The Funeral Of The Dead And Me

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It felt as if everything I've known has been lost. It seemed as my sides were empty and cold now. Nobody was there anymore.

I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. Everything going on in front of me, I wanted it to be a fragment of a nightmare.

But no. I had the proof of it being real because my eyes didn't miss how Everett's eyes dilated as he faced Zarreen, already holding so much love for her. I didn't miss it as he walked towards her in pure happiness. I felt a sharp pain as he didn't even notice me standing right there.

I drowned myself in the eruption of cheers from the pack member for the Alpha and his mate.

An arm wrapped around my shoulders and started dragging me back. My wobbly, jelly-like body and legs were hardly keeping up with the pace.

The noise was getting further and further away as I was dragged to the doors of the backyard.

Mila opened the double door and pushed me outside. She followed herself whilst closing the door behind her.

It didn't take her the hesitation or a single second to wrap me in her arms. Her hug was as tight as a python squeezing its prey, taking the life out but it was a different case for me. Her embrace made me breathe again.

I gasped for air as I squeezed her.

"Darling, it's gonna be okay. Just breath. Please." Mila pleaded as she combed through my hair with her fingers.

"It's hard." It was hard for me to breath. I was not crying or sobbing or anything but it just felt like someone just kicked me into space without the oxygen supply.

I pushed my only comfort away from myself as I stepped away from her embrace.

"I'm sorry but I want to be alone," I mutter the words without a tremble or a broken voice just not to worry her.

"Take your time." With that, I couldn't contain my legs from bolting straight into the forest that begun just where the backyard ended.

I ran and ran, dodging the trees and jumping over the overgrown roots. The pain of losing another made me lead myself deeper into the forest.

The darkness of the night encased me and my foolishness pushed me further into the dark and away from the pack. The adrenaline flowing in my veins didn't want me to stop running but my vision didn't help my adrenaline rush.

My blurred vision wasn't able to notice the big rock completely camouflaged into the ground and that resulted in me falling down on my knees. I was stupid enough to try and grab the air but of course, that didn't work.

I'm positive that there's a bruise on both my knees but that wasn't the thing circling around my mind.

I was basically in the middle of nowhere, on my knees with my hands cradled in my lap. My head hung low as I furiously rubbed my palms together to release that pain in me.

My eyes heavily clouded and in no time, a tear dropped. This was the first tear in so long. My shoulders shook violently and that's when everything in me broke. My lips quivering and my hands shaking in my lap.

I know that he wasn't my mate but I still loved him with everything I had in me. I felt like a stupid little girl who fell for the wrong boy.

I lifted both my shaky hands up to my face and covered it with them. The salty tears dampened the palms of my hands as every moment burned in my memory replayed, mocking me.

In no time, I was full-on sobbing. This might be me being overdramatic but I didn't care at this point.

I just couldn't get the image of Everett and Zarreen out of my mind and it pained me every time I pictured them together.

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