A Gruesome Discovery

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Both of us spend our time together until the light in the skies started to fade and darkness slowly enveloped us.

Bianca directed me back to the pack house by giving me clear directions and excused herself, but not before slipping in two bottles of that death polish in my trouser pockets, "One coat once a week."

We reached the tree line in silence and parted out ways. Bianca kept her gaze down as she walked away. I stretched my body like a feline before yawning and continuing on my way back.


Its been a few days now. I've survived in Brutal Banes for more than four day and in those days, I barely saw Silas or even Bianca.

Most of the people here gave me all the hate they could offer so it was usual for me to walk around alone in the forest and just avoid them.

Today was another day of that and I was making my way back to the pack house. I was about a few metres away when I smelled the metallic scent I've grown familiar with. My eyes grew wide as I sped walked the rest of the way to the entrance. The mate bond instinct hit me right at the heart and urged to check if my bastard was doing okay.

Loud, angry growls cut through the air as I twisted the knob and threw open the door. Heads turned in my direction before a ferocious growl broke out, "You!" The male was way beyond angry as he gritted his teeth together and clenched his fists tight. His immense amount of hate radiated off of him.

"Who, me?" I pointed my finger towards myself.

"No, the bloody queen of England, who else do you think I'm talking to?!" Speaking of bloody, I noticed his bloody and bruised face, his clothes tattered and smeared with the dark remains of blood. My eyes scouted around the whole main lounge and I internally gasped at the sight of four dead members thrown on the ground.

"Well, you didn't specify when you screamed the word 'you' so how was I to know you addressed me and not one of the other twenty people present." I simply shrugged my shoulders.

By the passing moment, I could see his face turning redder than before and veins popping out on the sides of his forehead, "Don't play games with me." He took a step towards me.

"Where's the fun in that?" As a challenge, I took one step forward.

He growled and didn't waste time in charging at me at his maximum speed, his canines elongated, nails as sharp as knife.

I had my own tactic up my sleeve as I waited for him to be in my arms length before my hand shot up and slapped him right across the face. The noise echoed throughout the lounge as he fell directly on the tiles, face first and on his stomach.

The darkness of the colour red started to stain the pearly white tile under his face whilst people gasped at the sight. His body was unmoving but I could hear his rapid breathing, clearly indicating his consciousness.

I walked up to his body and kicked right under his stomach making him flips sides as he now fell flat on his back. The blood oozed continuously out of  the four deep gashes on his right cheek. Admiring my work on his face, I made a mental note to hug Bianca after this. Her death polish actually works.

I walked closer to his body and assessed it first before raising my foot, placing it right on top of his abdomen. I applied pressure and was content as his wince made its way to my ears. He closed his eyes tight and tried to handle the pain like a strong wolf but failed terribly as the pressure I was applying on a fresh wound on his body kept increasing by the second.

It was when he groaned in pain that I kneeled down on one knee, my right foot still on his abdomen. My hand crept up to the left side of his chest over the thin fabric of the shirt, my nails started to tear through his skin, "Don't make me place your heart in your very own two hands." My sentence ended with an unexpected growl.

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