Chapter 3 {R}

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"I'm gonna go check on him," Lexa announced while getting up from her seat.

As I watched her head towards the exit of the cafeteria and pass the doors that Daniel had disappeared through a few moments ago, I doubted if I should go with her.

"Do you think he's okay?" Zach asked softly. With his question, the concern about my best friend rose even more until it was too strong to wait here and do nothing.

I grabbed his hand. "Let's find out." The words had barely left my lips or I was already following in Lexa's footsteps.

The two of us found her wrenching at the door handle of the boys locker room. She threw her full power into each pull, but the door wouldn't budge.

"Daniel! Dani, it's me, let me in," I heard her call out to her brother. When no response followed, she dropped her hands to her sides and took a step back, seemingly giving up on breaking in.

"Here, let me help," I said as soon as we reached her.

She shot me a sideways look, her eyes hinting at a glare. Why did you have to bring it up? Look what it did to him, they seemed to say. She gave Zach an even dirtier look and neither of us missed the sharpness of her voice as she murmured "just wait here."

I looked at Zach, his face showing he was just as taken back as I was.

Without warning, she balled her hand into a fist and slammed it against the blurred window at the top half of the door, startling us both. The clattering sound of glass followed, her hand barging right through the window at once.

Reaching her hand inside through the newly created opening, I watched the sharp edges dig into her shoulder, but she showed no sign of pain. A soft click reached my ears and I knew she had unlocked the door from the inside.

As she pulled her arm back and pushed the handle down, the door opened with ease. It released the strong scent of panic mixed with fear, soft cries in between ragged breaths making its way to my ears. The sense of panic settled inside my veins.

That was unmistakably Daniel.

Lexa shot us another look, telling us once again to stay where we were, before she took cautious steps inside —the exactly same way you'd approach a scared animal.

Biting my lip, I forced myself to stay right where I was, pricking my ears to hear what was happening.

"No, get away from me!" Daniel choked out in an unsteady voice as soon as his sister appeared inside.

"It's just me, Daniel," she replied calmly. "It's Lexa. You're okay, you're safe."

Daniel's breathing only quickened, each gasp for air shallow and quick. "I saw him," he managed to say, his words the intro to the desperate rambling that followed. "He's here, you have to believe me. He's here, he's coming for us."

Zach and I exchanged looks, knowing perfectly well who Daniel was talking about.

"He's having a panic attack," he stated softly.

Zach's face said it all. Sympathy and pity shone brightly on his features, and I realised he felt sorry for Daniel, knowing exactly what it was like to go through one.

"Do you know how to stop one?"

He shrugged, pursing his lips into a tight line. "I'm not sure, it's different for everyone. He's clearly hyperventilating, so he needs to control his breathing. Holding his breath could work, I don't know, it just needs to slow down."

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