Chapter 19: Confrontation

Start from the beginning

"T-that can't be! I heard...I heard that he took everyone alive..."

"Really? Who told you about this? And what were their exact words?"

"...I-it was Rin...she said that there was no bury...anybody..."

It seems he finally put two and two together.

I could see the shock on his face as he fell back into a chair, his eyes wide with shock and despair. I couldn't blame him, after all, this happened less than two years ago. For someone so young to do something so brutal, without batting an eye, is truly terrifying.

"He's a soldier, remember? I'm surprised that most of the student body hasn't caught on to this fact yet and realized the truth. The first time he ever took a life was back when he was seven when people came to abduct the two of you, and he barely reacted when he did it, why would now be any different?"

My mind was drawn back to that memory of that horrid night. Back then, he didn't even look human to me, and I'm not exactly off base with that thought, but to truly say he was a monster in body would mean I would have to accept Ichika as the same thing, and I refuse to do that. However, there's no doubt in my mind that he's one in mind and soul, if he even has one left.

It was a shame that he got kidnapped at the age of ten since Tabane had actually taken a serious interest in him a little before that incident. She looked past his origins and accepted him as her greatest masterpiece, even if she wasn't mainly responsible for it.

Now that I think about it, something tends to happen to him every three years since it started with Tabane. At four years old, seven, ten, and so on. Maybe he's getting scared since his and Ichika's birthday is coming up.

"What about...what about those girls?" he asked hesitantly. "Kuro...Kirin?"

"I've already told you, I'm not going to tell you. You don't need to know any more about him, he hasn't been concerned with our lives, you shouldn't need to be with his. Do yourself a favor and forget about it. It would be better for you to remember, while you're twins, you're nothing alike."

Of course, I'm not going to tell him anything, there's the fact that I can't possibly let him know about their origins, and, I'm still trying to find out everything too, but I've already uncovered some things about those three, the so-called, Children of the White Night.

Those girls are just like him.

They're monsters.

3rd POV

"...Alright everyone...we have another two transfers...again..." how tired Kaede was at this point was evident by both the lack of anything in her voice and how she was slumped down on her desk at the front of the class to both help her rest somewhat and hide the bags under her eyes that were starting to form.

"Go ahead...introduce yourselves..."

"I'm formerly from class one, Cecilia Alcott, England's representative contender, a pleasure to meet you all," the blonde pilot politely bowed to her new class, even waving at Yn who gave one back to be polite as well. "I hope we all get along, and I look forward to learning from everyone here. If you have any questions about the I.S or piloting, I don't mind helping."

"I am Laura Bodewig, Germany's representative contender."

Laura's introduction was definitely smaller, and she didn't seem as interested in making friends with any of the girls in the class, but her gaze never left Yn.

Anyone could notice how Cecilia was no longer as arrogant as before, but it was to be expected when she was beaten so easily by someone who she thought so little of. She may have still acted the same way to Ichika, but it was clear she had changed her opinion of Yn a long time ago, and she even seemed to act friendly toward him now.

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