Those words kept playing inside my head. I couldn’t take this anymore. But I don't know what should I do. I just wanna yelled on him. I hate Harry, but I still love him though. He just like a little brother that I'll never really had. “But brother doesn't steal his brother's girl, right?” a voice inside of my mind spoke up.

“enjoy what you look at?” I broke the silence makes Harry blushed. God, that boy really makes me wanted to yelled on him. How dare he is to be blushed and stared at my girl!

“I’m sorry, Zayn. I didn’t –“ Harry said before I cut him off.

“You didn’t what? You didn’t meant to falling in love with my girl?!” I snapped him out.

“I just…” he couldn’t continued his words.

"Why you keep silent now? Don't you have something to be explained, Haz? Oh, Zayn its not just something! Its about Harry's feeling to YOUR GIRL!" I mumbled while Liam tried to calmed me.

"Stop it, Zayn. Harry can explain it!" Liam said before turned around to facedHarry. But then he kept silent. Not a word came out from his lips. Maybe you guys think that I’m a bad guy because I be angry at him. But he loves my girl and I just couldn’t take it.  Or maybe you guys think that I’m a drama person. Well, I don’t care!

Nadia's POV

I woke up to saw Zayn besides me. Just him.

"Good morning, sweetheart!" He smiled to me.

"Morning!" I smiled back.

"What do you feel now? Better?" He’s sounds worried.

"I'm fine. Where's everyone?" I asked him curious.

"The lads are going looking for Harry and Ja'far is picking your parents up." Zayn answered me.

"MY PARENTS! THEY'RE HERE?!" I asked him. Schocked. Not that because I don't like them to be arround me, I just don't want to make them worrying about me.

"Ya, they'll be here after an hour, I guess." Zayn answered me. Then we be in silence.

"Zayn, do you still mad at him?" I asked Zayn carefully.

"Mad at who?" He asked sarcastically.

"Harry." I stated.

"I don't know, Nad. Harry had been hurt me, you know? He..." Zayn didn't continued his words.

"I'm sorry, Zayn." I said in a deep sad voice.

"Ssh.. That's not your fault, Nad. You don't need to be..." Zayn reasured me before I cut him off, "I don't need to be what?! huh?! Sorry?! Well, you guys knew this all stupid things happened because of me! Because I entered your life and the boys! You got mad at Harry because he loves me! You and Harry used to be best friends! But now just because of me, both of you have this fight! And you guys still saying its not my fault?! That I don't need to be sorry?! Those thousands directioners are going to hate me! Well, they already hates me! And you guys still keep saying me that its not my mistake?! Its not my fault?!" I broke in tears. I couldn't handled it anymore. I love them. They are my favourite band. My best friends. And they are the people who light up my world. But now I ruined everything. Zayn came closer to me and hug me. I felt his warm arms when he hug me for the first time. Then I felt something wet fall down from his chin. A tear. I looked up at Zayn and saw that he was also cried.

"Please Zayn, fix your problem with Harry. You don't need to be jealous though because I'm yours and will always be. But please if you love me, fix your problem with him now." I said to him in tears. And I felt Zayn noded before saying," I love you so much!"

Liam’s POV

I found Zayn in the garden of hospital. Smoked. Then I called Harry to made sure that Nadia was okay, but Zayn’s looked like angry with me, Louis, and Niall because we left Harry and Nadia in the room alone.

I   heard Harry’s word when we entered the room,”You light up my world, I love you now and forever.” Oh My God! I wished Zayn didn’t heard it.

 “enjoy what you look at?” I heard Zayn’s voices broke the silence made Harry blushed.

“I’m sorry, Zayn. I didn’t…“Harry said it before Zayn cut him off.

“You didn’t what? You didn’t meant to falling in love with my girl?!” Zayn snapped him out. HE HEARD WHAT HARRY JUST SAID!

“I just…” Harry couldn’t continued his words.

"Why you keep silent now? Don't you have something to be explained, Haz? Oh, Zayn its not just something! Its about Harry's feeling to YOUR GIRL!" Zayn mumbled while I tried to calmed him.

"Stop it, Zayn. Harry can explain everything to us!" I spoke up before turned around to faced Harry. He look so confused, hurt, lost, and sad.  

"I'm really sorry, Zayn. I didn't meant..." that’s what he could say.

"You didn't meant what, Haz? You didn't meant to hurt me? Huh? All you gonna say is just a bullshit for me! Got it, Haz?! A bullshit that you throw to your best friend's face? Or maybe you never think that I'm the one of your best friends? Maybe I just a.." Zayn said it fast before I cut him off, "Zayn, that's enough!" Zayn already lost controlled of his self.

"Harry! Come back here, mate!" me and Louis called out of his name. But he just kept walking before started to ran.

We waited for him about some minutes, trying to called and texted him but there was no answered. I be in frustration now. Louis and Niall looked up at me. Their eyes said what they’re lips wanna said, “fix this, daddy direction!” it showed pleaded too there. My phone rang with Simon’s name as the caller id. I picked it up and let it be as far away from my ear.

“WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU, GUYS?!” Simon’s anger was clearly explained in his voices.


I know that its a bit creepy..well, sorry guys..

hope you like it!

and I still need more vote, comment, and maybe fan me please?

see ya guys..

I love you!

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