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In high school everybody is judgemental. If you behave differently you are outcasted or bullied. In college it's different. The classes are way too big for them to notice you, so if you don't have any friends you become invisible.
I know that because it is happening to me.
I'm not bullied anymore. I'm not even looked at in the hallways. I've become invisible.

Before, I've sat alone during lunch because everyone hated me, now, no one knows me and I don't really know what's worse. The pity glances stayed the same.

In my classes I sometimes sit next to someone and when that happens I pretend like we're friends studying together and living the college lifestyle.
In reality I've never even been to a party.

In my free time I sit alone in my small apartment and study or play video games, so I have realy good grades, simply because there really is not much more to do. When I'm at work at a local restaurant I catch myself being envious towards the friend groups hanging out there and having a good time. I wish I could join them but instead I serve them for 9$ an hour.

For spring break I went home to stay with my parents. They don't know I don't have any friends, not that I lied to them they simply never ask. Their only concern are my grades and since they are exceptional they have no concerns and just tell me to enjoy my time in college and to keep up the great work.

Tomorrow I will return to California for my next semester and I really want to change something about my life.

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