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The guards opens the endless amount of doors and goes through countless security checks. One of them is new here and it's time to feed the prisoner. The new guard has a scar on his forehead a small one but noticeable, nonetheless. He has chalky black hair pulled back by it's own Greece. Despite being fairly young he looks older than his age. He is skinny, scrawny bones jutting out of his skin. His ears are unusually wide and pick up more sound they should. It is his quirk to hear better than any animal with his usually large ears. He can also see in the dim light. Another perk of his quirk. He feels his large front teeth bit into his lip, as his nose twitches.

The New guard has been warned not to look at the prisoner's face, not to talk to him, only to put the tray in the small slit that allows food inside the cell. He mustn't go near the door, he will need to use a long poll with a flat end to push the tray inside. His footsteps echoed through the small chamber and when the song begins. It was an old nursery rhyme but with the key it was being sung in it sounded more ominous.

The newbie turns to his supervisor. A short, stout man with no quirk, he is squinting since he can't see clearly in the dim light, unlike the newbie. The supervisor seems unfazed by the music. After all he has done this a few times already and has decide it's better not to let the prisoner get under his skin. So when the newbie looks over at him all his seems is unfazed by the eerie music resonating in the empty darkness. He says nothing, and the Newbie does not either. They aren't allowed to talk. It wasn't an actual rule but more of an unspoken agreement. As they got closer the song could be heard clearer.

"Girls and boys come out to play
The moon doth shine as bright as day 🎶
Leave your supper, and leave your sleep
And join your playfellows in the street.🎶

Come with a whoop, and come with a call🎶
Come with a good will or not at all
Up the ladder and down the wall
A penny loaf will serve you all.

Girls and boys come out to play
The moon doth shine as bright as day🎶
Leave your supper, and leave your sleep
And join your playfellows in the street."

The song stopped as they reached the door. The precision was frightening. The tray of slop, water, and a new packet for the I.V jiggled as the plate clattered on the ground. The Newbie pushed the tray forward with the strange rod. The flap pushed in and he could momentarily see the prisoner's face.

There was not much to look at besides peach colored skin that scarred his entire head even over his eyes. The mouth smiled showing pearly white teeth. The Newbie quickly pulled away the stick causing the metal flap to bang down and trap the food inside the cell.

"Don't be so afraid," His supervisor Said. "He's not going anywhere."

The man inside laughed hard, before picking back up his song, in repeated verses.
"Girls and boys come out to play
The moon doth shine as bright as day
Leave your supper, and leave your sleep
And join your playfellows in the street."

"Besides," his supervisor continued over the Eerie singing. "We only have to deal with him for a couple weeks then he's someone else's problem. He's too dangerous to stay at one place for too long so they move him to different cells throughout the facility. Soon he'll be gone and out of our hair."

The newbie briskly followed his supervisor, he didn't know if he would last that long. The image of the prisoner came to his mind. He shuttered hoping to forget the image and eventually the song that bounced around the halls. The Newbie longed to leave as soon as possible and never look back. No amount of money could be worth dealing with the beast inside the cage.

Inside the cell the singing stops. The guards are too far away to hear. Too far away to see. The prisoner smiles and chuckles a low grumble in his chest. He moves over to the tray picking it up with raw hands. The first thing he does is replaced the I.V package. The slop goes on the ground with the tray untouched and the water goes down his throat. He calmly rolls back to his spot and begins to meditate.

He is calm.
He knows.
He waits.
They are coming to free him soon.

-End of book one-

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