chapter 18

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Hi! sorry for Dying and Sorry about the spam that you probably got while I posted a bunch of chapters. Anyway I'll be on a -post as I finish schedule-
from now on.  Sorry about this.

"Are you ready?" Himiko flipped her hair while licking her lips.

Deku pulled off the eye patch covering his quirk and keeping it under control, "Ready."

"Te he!" Himiko planted herself in a fighting stance. "Three... Two... One... Let's begin."

Deku dashed forward sure that if he made the first move he would win. His Shadow Sight still didn't active on his command. He wouldn't be able to react to Toga that way. He swung his fist which was deflected with the palm of Himiko's hand. Another open hit slapped his chest slightly below the neck. It pushed him back with much more force then he anticipated. He pulled up his neck that had been slapped down only to see Toga once again pointing her fingers at his nose.

"That's another win for me." She boooped his nose causing a smile to spread across his face. "Oooh! Ready for another round I presume?"

Deku jumped back putting distance between them, "Bring it."

Himiko waited as she shouted "Begin!"

Deku spring forward to repeat the same action he took in the last battle. He avoided a blow aimed at his joints and countered with his own. She dodged and in response kicked him in the stomach. Her next blow was aimed low; sweeping his legs. He jumped up narrowly avoiding the attack thanks to Shadow sight returning. His eye twitched as it became sore. He wanted to clutch it but didn't want to give Himiko an opening. For a second he could predict her movements then the quirk shut off just as Deku went in for another blow. She side stepped behind him hitting the same pressure point on his neck as last time. It caused Deku's knees to gave out sending him to the ground. Toga bent down and flicked his forehead.

"looks like another win for me!"

Deku sighed as he stood up and begun closing his eyes; concentrating on awakening his new quirk. He felt a slight ping and opened his eyes. He could see Himiko move after a translucent body.

"Looks like you're getting better at activating it. Now if only you learn to fight with it."

The shadow held its ground. Until Deku moved to Strike. The shadow lunged forward and deflected a blow that Deku was thinking about throwing. Instead of doing the action he saw himself and her doing he moved in for a kick. His leg collided with hers her shadow went down, as she followed. What happened next surprised Deku. She pressed one hand on the ground and used the adjacent leg to kick Deku's. He saw it all before it happened but it all happened so fast that he couldn't dodge it. He fell on his back and watched Himiko spin upwards.

"Once again it's my win." She proclaimed with a smirk. His Shadow sight glitched off as Himiko reached out her hand to help him up. "Now it's time for some lecturing so listen up. First things first. Do you know why I'm not letting you use One for All?"

Deku thought for a moment, "Because we wouldn't be able to fight on common ground?"

"Buzzzz! Wrong. Do you think my opponents don't use their quirks when I fight them? It's because even with your quirk your fighting technique sucks." She stated bluntly. "You have no foundation! Even if you have power it's useless if you don't know how to utilize it. That's why U.A and the other heroes have such a hard time fighting us."

Deku nodded grateful for the lecture as he absorbed every ounce of information and advice Toga was willing to offer.

Toga scoffed, "I can't believe they don't teach you the basics of fighting. Don't they have any respect for the art anymore. Honestly even simple stances aren't taught! Anyway let's move on to lesson number two before I go off on a tangent. Why did you strike first?"

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