Chapter 28

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Mei got right to work; she refused to waste any time. Not only because knowing about the suit was an urgent matter entrusted to her but rather her eagerness to know about the mechanics of the suit is was what drove her. She washed her fingers over the unbearable silky white-colored shirt. She traced the seams of the warm yet breathable suit-coat, while sighing at the majesty of the whole suit. Whoever designed it was an excellent and highly skilled craftsman, this she knew at first glance.

Mei was learning so much just by feeling the suit and analyzing it with her own eye. She picked apart one of the perfect stitches (much to her dismay, since it was such a shame to ruin such perfection) from the sleeve of the jacket. She placed the string under a microscanner, and let the machine process the fabric. As the computer hummed she neatly laid the entire suit out on a table. When she heard a ding she moved over to the computer. She tilted her head sideways and rubbed her chin. "That can't be right." Mei ran the program again, only to get the same blinking results: Material Not Found in U.A Database.

How was that possible? She ran the program a third time for good measure, but still got the same results. Mei began to pace back and forth in front of the laid-out suit, she glanced at it then stole a look at the blinking results.

The U.A database has every material known logged inside it. This database was exceptional at scanning and identifying material, it was unique, it was boundless, it was... limited.

Mei chuckled slightly but her small chuckle gradually started to crescendo into stomach-clutching laughter. Tears cornered her eyes and she shook slightly out of excitement. Of course! The database was limited! Whoever made this suit was clever, very, very, clever. This wouldn't be as easy as Mei thought. To solve this case she would need to think not as a Hero, Villain, or Student. She needs to think as an artist, a mechanic who would do anything to make a piece of art, to make the perfect baby.

If she thought like that of course she wouldn't want just any material. U.A's database had a single flaw to it that perhaps only she knew about. (She would have to share this and fix it later) A fatal flaw that was so silly it made her laugh until she felt a pain in her stomach and an itch in her eyes.

The Database could only process legal material.

Now what perfectionist, artist/mechanic would stop at the law's limits when they don't have too? Mei wouldn't, if she could she would go far beyond what the law allows. This thinking brought her to the conclusion that whoever made the suit wasn't good or bad they were simply a dedicated craftsman. Mei rubbed her hands together now this was a challenge! It was time to see how far this unlimited thinker pushed the rational walls of society.

With nothing more she could do with the computer she moved on to trail and error. Mei would have to figure out the properties of the material first the good old fashion way; maybe then she could narrow down what type of material this suit was made out of. Mei took another sample and began several test. She started with simple harmless ones, testing weight, how much pressure it could stand without tearing or stressing, flexibility, water absorption, fire resistance, heat resistance, and countless other tests.

After completing all of them her jaw dropped, "AMAZING!!!" She yelled. A fellow student near by flinched at her loud voice. Each test had overwhelming results. Whatever the fabric was and however the suit was made it was miraculous! Even the most professional suits she's seen and been able to analyze never came close to a fraction of the quality that this suit had. She admired it. Admired the craftsman behind it and as a fellow craftsman Mei felt an obligation to know more about this beautiful art.

She needed to know everything! Mei placed scissors next to the art in front of her feeling slightly guilty that soon she would need dissect it to sold it's mysteries.

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