Chapter 22

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Shigaraki glanced behind him as Deku followed. Kurogiri was gone for the day, Dabi was taking a nap saying the two of them where enough and Toga was heaven knows where. Deku's eyes looked familiar and glossy. Deku looked at the world with eyes cold and sharp, There was no kindness or mercy in them only an unwavering stillness. Shigaraki smiled he created a monster, maybe too good of one. As the days passed by Deku became stronger, fiercer, more focused, and apathetic. In time Deku may even surpass him. Shigaraki let his mind focus back to the present as he approached the auction house.

It was a place where all the buyers wore masks inside the venue to keep their identity a secret. They also didn't care who they sold the items to, politicians, rulers, villains, mob bosses, heroes, vigilantes, military, citizens, tycoons, it didn't matter to them. As long as you had the money you were welcome. Because of their diverse customers their security was extremely tight. Only fools would try to rob this place and risk becoming an enemy to both the auction house and all of their cliental. It would be smarter to buy the item they needed rather then trying to steal it. For one Shigaraki found it troublesome and risky, and for another they had enough money to buy it anyway. Things would go a lot easier and much more low profile.

Shigaraki was grateful that they required masks to enter. If someone in their recognized Deku it could complicate things. As they entered Shigaraki was stopped at the security gate.
"I'm sorry sir." The guard told him. He was sweating a bit and despite trying to hid his fear and anxiety Shigaraki could see right through him. The guards who had been doing this for a long time didn't show the slightest hint of emotion, so this guy must have been new. "I'm going to have to ask you to wear one of the masks we can provide for you or leave. Your ma-mask... is, uuh not accepted in our code."

Ah. So the hand doesn't really qualify as a mask. Shigaraki nodded and smiled slightly amused at the guard. In fact he resisted the urge to tease him a bit. Deku who had finished passing through security saw what was happening.

"Don't worry. You can leave it to me, I'll take care of everything if you don't mind waiting for me."

Shigaraki tossed his head back and forth thinking for a minute and finally agreed. It was a good way to show his trust in Deku and gain more favor. Even though the last few months of training together had gotten them closer, this would help even more. Shigaraki sighed slipping his hands regular hands into his pockets. He shrugged his shoulders and agreed. "I'll be in the back, be sure to buy it no matter the price."

"Of course." Deku's words held a bone chilling tone to them. Once again Shigaraki couldn't stop from smiling, it was a swelling feeling of pride this time. "Keshesheshe." He laughed a little and the guard flinched again as Deku continued inside.

Inside there were plenty of people looking at all the things that were going to be auctioned off within the hour. His attention wandered over to a small bottle of peach-colored liquid. It couldn't have held much, since it was relatively small. Deku glanced at the starting price. His eyes nearly popped out, "Well that's just absurd."

A tall man in a white tailcoat suit smirked besides Deku, "Really? For this particular item I think it's a rather cheap price, not that I can afford it."

Deku's defense shot up and he immediately became wary and alert with this man. Because somehow he managed to sneak up next to Deku without him detecting the mysterious man. Deku knew that this person was not to be taken lightly.

Deku didn't let his face show emotion, "Is that so?" He simply said.

The man's face suddenly become dark eyes focusing tight beneath his simple black mask that only covered his eyes. "But that doesn't mean I don't need it."

Deku quickly turned to face the man but he couldn't read anything. The man's menacing tone stood still and he looked at Deku with an innocent smile then left smoothly moving on to the next display. Deku looked back at the bottle and clicked his tongue something didn't feel right. He thought about turning on shadow sight but didn't want to be annoyed by all the duplicate shadows if nothing happened. He would just stay on high alert and kill time until the bidding started. Deku felt it would be too suspicious if he stared at the fluid until the auction so he shifted to look at some of the other items on display. Some displays had items so valuable that they only placed a picture or a video while the actual product was looked up in an unknow location.

The crowd started to thin out as people shuffled into the bidding room. Items were moved out one by one and onto the stage as they were being auctioned off. Deku still wandered around the displays waiting patiently for the time that the bidding for the liquid would start. Deku was among the few people still loitering around waiting for something to go on stage besides the guards that stood tall by the entrance.

As he scanned the room a board look on his face Deku noticed the stranger from earlier hovering over the case that held the mysterious liquid. A grin spread across his face and with no warning the man broke the fragile glass swiftly snatching the vial from it's stand. The attention of everyone in the room moved towards the twinkling sounds of falling and crunching glass. The thief sprang to the doors as the guards prepared to intersect him. One of them calling for back up on his radio before getting into position. In no time at all more suits entered the room to assist in apprehending the criminal. Deku moved casually after him, stealing it from a thief would be simpler if the thief could make it past those bodyguards.

The chances of him making it out didn't seem favorable but the burglar ran with such confidents that Deku was convinced he had a plan. Shadow sight activated and Deku could see the guards being flung away in one direction and... Shrinking?

As real time caught up with Shadow sight's prediction the thief pushed the guards one fell over easily while the other was pushed back. While the guards were distracted and disoriented the thief slipped past them and pushed out the doors. As Deku followed the thief he too hesitated when seeing that the large guard was now a semi-skinny teenager.

It had to be the effect of the thief's quirk. Granted it was admirable that this thief had the guts to steal the item right under the auction house's nose. Shigaraki wouldn't even risk it. But still all his efforts would go to waste as soon as Deku caught up to him.

All for One activated just enough to catch up to the thief Everyone at the League had help teach him how control helps conserve energy. No unnecessary movements were needed either. The man began to shrink into a young kid. His pace quickened and Deku's adjusted to follow with ease. The thief glanced behind him and noticed his pursuer. The childish eyes where quite honest as he showed concern for how easily Deku could follow. He sharply turned down an alleyway and stopped as he hit a dead end.

Deku grinned while he felt the satisfaction of cornering the thief like a rat caught in a trap. Deku reached his hand out, "Give me the vial of liquid."

The boy grinned "Not a chance." He charged forward trying to duck past Deku. He was stopped as Deku grabbed the collar of his coat and with his strength pulled the body away from the ground. As the boy's feet dangled he started twisting around and struggling.

"Give it up. Listen-" the boy smirked as he finally twisted into just the right position to touch Deku's skin. Deku reflexively dropped the boy but not before it was too late. In only a slight movement Deku was sent flying backwards as the Thief escaped grinning with pride.

Deku's head started to hurt and he blinked slightly dazed as the world around him started to fade and shrink. Quickly everything he knew started to disappear. Alone and scared Deku felt that he was lost. He was so confused; where was he, how did he get here, why did he hurt so much? He looked at the clothing on his body that was too big for him. The pants had fallen down and all that covered his small body was a shirt that dangled past his ankles. He scanned the area for something or someone familiar but saw nothing. Finally unable to hold it in he started crying, tears and wails violently ringing out into the street. 

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