Chapter 12

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It took a day for Deku to wake up. After he had fainted he had a high fever and even Recovery Girl couldn't do anything for him. Deku's body burned to the touch as his blood boiled and he tossed in his sleep being choked by obvious nightmares. It caused concern to grow in many of his friends and classmates. As the new day started to unfold Deku woke up. There had been no signs indicating that he had been asleep and/or in pain for the past 24 hours. He seemed good as new as if nothing had happened.

"Why don't you take the day off?" Recover Girl asked him as he slid the door open. She looked worried.

He gave her a soft smile, "I don't want to miss anymore class. I've already missed enough with my house arrest and yesterday."

She sighed and Deku closed the door behind him his smiling fading into a sharp annoyance.

Deku opened the door to the class room. Entering with confidence, it was in-between classes so there wasn't a teacher in the room yet.

"Deku!" Uraraka jumped up from her seat to greet him. "Are you feeling okay?"

"yeah," Asui put her finger on her lip, "Shouldn't you be resting taking it easy?"

Deku's face knotted as he forced a smile on his face, "I just didn't want to miss anymore classes."

"I say you shouldn't have come back at all." Kaachan smirked his feet kicked up on his desk.

"Bakuguo!" Ida exclaimed, "That is not something you should be saying at-"

"Shut up four-eyes, This dumb nerd has been driving me crazy with his bad attitude lately." Kaachan cinched his eyebrows together as he dragged his feet off his desk. With his hands still in his pockets his moved closer to Deku.

Deku still had a smile on his face but his eyes didn't seem to match. They looked cold and calculating.

Kaachan tried to read the eyes but failed. "What's wrong with you." He whispered low so that only Deku could hear. "Ever since you've come back you've been strange."

"Not a push over you mean." Deku kept smiling but Kaachan was getting agitated which pleased the new Deku, the awakened Deku. "I'm sorry I'm not the weak little nerd you always wanted me to stay. Let's just say that I've had a change of heart. Eh? Bakuguo?"

Something inside Kaachan snapped. Without holding back he moved his fist straight into Deku's face and set off an explosion. Deku managed to move the hand to the side of his face by pushing it with his palm, so that it only burned his cheek slightly.

The class clamored and grew rambunctious.

"Who the Hell are you?!" Kaachan growled.

Deku smile dropped and without starting his quirk he jabbed Kaachan in the stomach. He went in for another punch but was stopped by Todoroki. Todoroki grabbed his hand in the middle of the air and started to cover it in frost.

"That's enough!"

"I didn't need your help stupid half-and-half."

"Tsk." Deku clicked his tongue and pulled his slightly frosted hand back. Using the unfrozen hand he whipped away soot from his burnt cheek.

Todoroki looked at both of them. "Deku you should go back to the Nurses office and get some more rest, also get that cheek looked at. Uraraka do you mind going with him?"

"uh- sure?"

"Bakuguo the teacher will be here soon-"
Bakuguo spit on the ground and pushed passed Todoroki, "Then I guess I'm skipping today."

Ida pushed up his glasses and was about to stop Kaachan from leaving but Todoroki put his hand on his shoulder stopping Ida and shaking his head.


"What were you thinking?" Uraraka asked him while a bandage was being plastered to his cheek. "I know you've been on edge but this is too much!"

"In case you weren't paying attention Bakuguo tried to blow me up."

"But you just got back from house arrest and the nurses office! I'm still worried about you besides you didn't need to punch back. That's not like you."

"Why do you care, you shouldn't go sticking your nose into someone else's business."

Uraraka had tears hovering around the edge of her eyes. She quietly backed away and whispered. "I'll go get some drinks."

As Uraraka left Iida stormed in angry, "What did you do to make Uraraka cry!?"

"I just told her to mind her own business."

"I came here to check up on you and what I see is that you are mistreating the people who are worried about you."

Deku scoffed a little if he didn't get One-for-All everyone would have treated him the same. If he had stayed quirkless he would still be invisible and bullied. Every word his 'friends' spoke was sugar coated lies. Shallow words they knew nothing about.

Iida's eyes knit together while he tried to find his reflection somewhere in Deku. He let go of the fist that was clenched tightly by his side. He stood like a giant, only not as still. He trembled while his head slowly fell down. Deku swung his legs off the nurse's bed before leaving the room he stretched his neck towards Iida and dealt the final blow.

"What do you know about me and my life?"

Iida was usually composed, responsible, dependable. But those few words shattered his identify with ease. He wanted to be able to help his friend return to his usual cheerful self. However he had no idea how to do that. Indeed he was left alone with a burning in his chest.

No one knows what's under Noir's mask and it really bothers Himiko all though she won't admit it.

Shigaraki knows how One for All works and All for One. He and Sensei are the only people who know exactly how both quirks work. Shigaraki does not yet have All for One, because Sensei was imprisoned.

Noir seems strong and quite but he's actually very childish. He loves playing with the cats that come by and owns a cat and golden retriever both of which he rescued from a shelter. In case you haven't noticed is tsundere. ( he acts cold but once you get to know him he's actually a Fluff muffin)

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