Chapter 1

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As the world shook, smoke could be seen rising. Screams were calling out in the distance a clear sign that a villain was attacking the city. Several kids from U.A high, class 1A, jumped to action and knew what they needed to do. It was only recently that most their class passed the hero license exam they were going to celebrate their success but instead they decided to put their licenses to use. Without hesitation they rushed forward towards the mayhem.

Iida was the first to speak as they ran, "Our priority is the citizens, Midoria, Kirishima, Tokoyami, and Jirou you hold off and distract the villain while we hold the rescue!"

"Got it!" Everyone but Bakugou shouted in unison.

They rounded the corner to engage the villain but to their surprise it was someone familiar. A tall dark figure moved with destructive and dumb force. It was a Noumu. A creature from the League of Villains.

"If he's here then that would mean..." Uraraka stuttered.

"Yeah." Deku swallowed a lump inside his throat, "They could be after Kacchan again."

"Don't under estimate me!" Bakugou shouted in anger.

"I'm not, you just don't have the license yet so you can't fight without getting in trouble." Deku started waving his arms around in an attempt trying to calm Bakugou's hot temper. "Besides remember last time we encountered on of these? All Might even had some trouble with it. The best thing to do would hold it off until the pros get here while we evacuate the citizens."

"Deku is right." Kirishima said pitching in to to clam him down. "Let's just stick with Iida's plan. Besides it's better if we just try to minimize the collateral damage."

Bakugou growled a warning. "Oi Idiots don't forget if that thing is here then the League has got to be nearby that thing can't really move without instruction because of it's empty head."

Kirishimia sighed, "Yeah, yeah we know." He patted Bakugou on the back and in response got an explosive fist in his face. He kept smiling since his body hardened before the explosion, preventing any injury.

Deku started going towards the large creature when he felt a slender, dry, and bone chilling fingers wrap around his neck. He turned his head slightly to the side to see the Shigaraki smiling back at him. His pale face was hidden by one of the many hands that covered his body. Deku shivered as something cold slithered up his spine when he remembered the first time he met Shigarki in the mall. It seemed so long ago; like a distant memory he never wanted to remember. Unlike in the mall though Deku was not alone he had his friends with him. They also noticed the grip around Deku's neck; a deadly snare Deku was captured in. They all looked at each other then back at Deku but if seemed that none of them knew what to do. What could they do? In a single second Shigaraki could kill Deku if he wanted.

"Don't worry." Shigaraki said loud enough for his friends nearby to hear. "We just want to have a little chat with him."

Deku could see plans running through his friends' brains but he also knew that it was unlikely that he would get out of this situation. No matter what he didn't want anyone to get hurt or if he could help it, involved. If the Villains where going to take him down, then he would be the only one that they would harm. "It's fine guys." Deku forced a smile. "I'll be alright." He could feel Shigarki's breath as he laughed quietly under his breath.
"You seem so sure." He whispered in Deku's ear.

Over his words he could hear Uraraka shouting. She looked angry but more than that she looked concerned. "No you won't!"

Shigaraki chuckled and spoke again, "Don't worry. I'll return him soon. Kurogiri..."

A black portal opened up swallowing the Noumu. Next it opened dragging Shiaraki and his hostage, Deku, into darkness. An unknown abyss in an unknown location.

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