Chapter 37

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With heavy bags under his eyes Deku returned from his uncomfortable sleep.

"Look who's back to the land of the living!" Dabi joked while coughing and laughing at the same time.

"Are you sure I'm in the land of the living? You look half dead, what happened?" Deku teases back.

"I could say the same thing about you, besides it's a long story I'll tell you later."

"I look forward to hearing it." Deku paused he felt slightly uncomfortable in his own skin. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a shadow shift.

Toga latched on to him as soon as he sat up, "DEKI~♡ You're finally back!!! You are adorable when you're small! But I like you this way too."

Deku winced his body still feeling a pain in his muscles, like some sort of growth spurt on starioids. And for another reason his throat and lungs burned and scratched when he breathed.

"What do you remember?" Noir asked sitting calmly across the room.

Deku lightly nudged Toga off, "I was chasing a thief and..." Deku frowned drawing his eyebrows together. He looked around the room his head still pounding.

"It's normal not to remember, take your time." Kurogiri added.

"Shigakari what about you?" Noir nodded in another direction.

"Bits and pieces."

"That curious." Kurogiri commented.


"Well let's skip the analysis for now and get on with our lives, I'm tired, broken and I want to go home." Dabi groaned.

"You sound like a whiney two year-old." Toga teased him.

"You try fighting All Might!" Dabi winced holding his ribs, he was sort of patched up, but it was not helping much. They needed a real doctor to take a look at him and perhaps find someone with a healing quirk that will fix him up.

"Fair enough, fair enough." Toga nodded.

Deku looked at Toga then at Dabi "You took on All Might?"

"I tried, it's part of the long story."

"Now I really need to know this story."

"Another time." Dabi groaned and closed his eyes trying to will away the pain.

"So shigakari, what are we gonna do now?" Toga chirps.

Shigaraki smiled, "This whole situation is a minor setback."

"A couple broken ribs is not minor to me, on top of that I can't go to any Hospital."

Noir looked at Kurogiri and somehow there was an understanding, Noir smiled, "me and Kurogiri talked to the broker, what's his name?"

"Giran." Kurogiri took over, "It was Noir's idea and he provided the payment to get Giran to look for a doctor."

"One that will heal, no questions asked, and off the record. If possible, someone with a healing quirk." Shigakari chimed in.

"I reckon the doctor will be quite expensive. Heaven Knows the price to find one is." Toga moved to the counter to grab a drink. Kurogiri moved the alcohol away from her and replaced it with orange juice. She shrugged and started drinking it.

"I'm happy to help." Noir noted.

"Having a doctor help out will be better than waiting forever to heal." Deku chuckled.

"I second that!"Dabi raised a hand as if cheering with an invisible glass.

"Glad to hear it." A voice at the back door rumbled.

"Back so soon?" Kurogiri welcomed him in.

"What can I say I work fast, and the new connections didn't hurt. I've made quite a lot of new friends, good for business." Giran made himself at home by taking the glass of liquor that Kurogiri moved away from Toga.

"So the payment was enough." Noir asked.

"More than enough! If anything, I'm in your debt right now."

"That's rare!" Shigaraki exclaimed.

"Rare? Try the first time I've had this happen."

"How much did he give you?" Shigaraki asked.

"Not how much." Giran Pointed with the glass in his hand and then drank it in one shot, "What."

Everybody looked at Noir, Kurogiri smiled slightly, proud, still no one would notice in his cloud form.

Noir held up his hand "Five letters to help him connect with different people."

"In my business you can trade to obtain what you want; most the time that ends up being money." Giran got himself another glass, "but you can also exchange assets, information, but nothing is as hard to obtain or important as connections. Being a broker the biggest tool and most important one you can have is how many connections you have and how far your connection spread."

Noir chucked, " I still can't believe five names was enough to satisfy you."

"I have to admit that I had my doubts but after meeting with the people you sent me too, I have to say I'm astonished. To think that you would have so much influence! I'm surprised you aren't a broker yourself."

"I'm not a big fan of communication."

Giran laughed and swung an arm over Noir's shoulder, "For someone with poor social skills you sure seem chatty to me. You know, I'd love to make more deals with you in the future."

"Aren't you in my debt still?"

Giran laughed and changed the subject to dodge the question, "As I was saying I came to tell you I've found your doctor. I've already payed him off." Gain snuck his hand in his front coat pocket and dug around, he pulled it out with a piece of folded paper. Here's the meeting time and place."

"Thank you." Kurogiri said grabbing the paper over the counter.

"No problem!" Giran smack Noir on the back hard three times making Noir have tears in the corner of his eye. "Well I'll be going now, thanks for the drink and The Business!"

"Wait." Shigariki stopped him. "Did you find what I asked for?"

"Yeah! I almost forgot; it's been a few months after all. Bases on his last resort it seems he's integrated himself nicely. I'll be back next week with more information. I'll also ask him if he'll be willing to contact you directly. I know how you feel about third parties being involved. And right now it feels like the less I know the better." Giran waved while leaving, "until next time."

Shigakari smiled causing the temperature to drop.

Toga who at this point was extremely confused about what just happened piped up, "so what's going on!"

"We," Shigakari turned to her, "Are going to free Sensei."

Yoga's mouth stretched from ear to ear in a brimming light, "So where do we begin!?"

"Begin? We've already started."

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