Chapter 8

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"House arrest for three days huh?" Deku mumbled while cleaning up. That would mean he would miss the battle ranking of class 1A no doubt by the time he came back to class the battles would be over. Once more the sour taste in his mouth wouldn't go away. He wanted to be the best. No matter what. That was his goal wasn't it? The top. Stuck inside he couldn't get to where he wanted to be. He couldn't even practice at getting stronger, because he was caged inside. A girl with golden hair smirked at him, "Pathetic." She said bluntly.

Deku Glared without saying anything, actions spoke louder than words anyway, and hitting girls was something he would like to avoid if he could.
The girl giggled like she was having fun, "Come on I know you can do better than that sweetie." Deku turned around to ignore her. Out of thin air he felt a light figure jump on his back, draping her arms around his shoulders.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" He asked annoyed.

"I don't take classes, they're too boring and you can't do all the things you want to." She teased in his ear.

"But they help you become stronger." He told her trying to brush her off. She gently landed off his back and looked directly into his eyes.

"Do they?" She asked with an exaggerated, confused expression. Her full lips leaned in closer to his ear causing them to tingle as she whispered, "If they did help, you wouldn't have been stopped last night during your fight. If they helped you wouldn't been caught by Shigaraki multiple times and you wouldn't have had your little chat with us." The last word floated in his ear, wandering around trying to plant itself firmly. The girl backed away with a giggle. She puffed up her lips, "Aww come on Deki, you're a smart boy, don't tell me you missed that? I know you can figure it out."

The lazy idea finally settled and viscously bit down. She was part of the League. She was a villain. Deku's expression changed and Toga giggled as it did. It was obvious that he had figured out what she was implying. "Looks like you understood what I was saying! Good for you."

"What do you want?" Deku asked bitterly. He was still hungry for power and upset that his fight was stopped in the middle. It made his chest burn. A dark voice inside him suggested he should to tear her throat out, or better yet crush her windpipes and watch her face as her body denied her oxygen. He took a step back from the girl slightly afraid of himself for thinking that. Something inside him was not right.

"Come on." Toga said draping her arms down, "I thought you would be more fun than this." She twirled in a circle untangling the disguise. Her long hair crimped into unkept tangles and her large eyes narrowed into something sinister. Deku jumped back startled distancing himself, she giggled again as if she had just heard a joke. "Come on Deki, I don't bite... Well at least not hard." She softly stepped forward approaching him. "We're still waiting for you."

"Didn't I tell you I would never be on your side!"

Himiko yawned a bit, "Booooaaaaring!~" She sang. She jumped to his side, her nose was close to his and she trapped him with her gaze. "If I wanted to kill you, you'd already be dead." Once again Deku lunged away while she begun to dance slightly, to invisible music "You know we aren't the bad guys you make us out to be." She hummed waiting for Deku to talk back when she was answered with silence she continued. "Haven't you every been bullied?"

Imagines of Kacchan pushing Deku down, using his quirk in Deku's face, and destroying his Hero Notes, rose to the surface.

"Haven't you ever had a dream and the have it crumple in the worst way possible?"

All might looked at the boy and said without any emotion, "You being a Hero is impossible." All might helped him later, but what if he hadn't. What if Deku reminded Quirkless, bullied, ostracized, an outcast, a nobody.

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