Chapter 33

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Shion froze, This guy is crazy! He wasn't sure what the guy wanted but whatever it was it wasn't going to be good. "Now, now, let's be civil." He chuckled while whipping his shaking and sweaty palms on his pants.

"Civil?" Dabi raised an eyebrow and reactivated his quirk, "You turned my friends into midgets and now we are in a bigger mess then we wanted to be in plus you all this trouble interrupted my free time." Dabi leaned in close "Now you are going to help us fix it or so help me-"

Shion nodded enthusiastic "Of course! Just don't kill me."

Dabi glared at him it seemed too easy but hey less work for him. "You are going to walk in front of me and follow the directions I give. If you give away any information about what you see or were you are going, I will find you and take care of such a loose tongue. Understand?"

"Yes sir!"

"Don't shout and casual is still fine boy."

Shion did everything that Dabi said. He crossed paths with someone dangerous, rather than just someone it was a group of dangerous people. This job was supposed to be easy. Take the merchandise sell it to the clients, get the money. No questions asked, no other dangers involved. But NOOOooo! He had to unintentionally piss off a power group of villains who could kill him in a heartbeat. Shion also couldn't tell if it was the bad luck of his that got him discovered by scary people twice in one day or if they were just really good at tracking him down.

As they left the market and started walking down the street Dabi stopped.

"You've got to be kidding me right now."

"What?" Shion asked.

Dabi looked Shion in the eye, "Run away and you'll die, I found you once and I can do it again. Follow behind me now."

Shion nodded mute, that wasn't a death threat that was a promise. Shion lagged behind a few paces as Dabi approached a young familiar face. Shion grew pale while a pit in his stomach dropped. It was the same white haired man that he shrunk earlier that day.

Dabi grabbed Shigaraki by the shoulder "Ah-ha! Found you! Why did you run away from Scrap? It was such a pain to go through all this trouble." He let go the moment Shigaraki grabbed Dabi's wrist and began to activate his quirk.

"Really? Really." Dabi put his hands in the air, "I give up I'm not dealing with this crap!"

Shigaraki glared at him menacing, so Shion timidly spoke up, "Sometimes when I turn back a person's age both their body and their memories turn back with it."

"What." Dabi asked flatly. Shion jumped a little letting out a soft eek.

Shigaraki started to ignore the two and walk away.

"Hold on a minute." Dabi shouted to Shigaraki, only to be ignored. "Man, maybe I should call Kurogiri or Noir."

"Kurogiri?" Shigaraki spoke softly stopping and turning towards Dabi.

"Oh a response! Yeah let's talk to him you trust him, right? I'm just glad you remember him as well." Shigaraki nodded as Dabi pulled out his phone to make the call. The line rang twice before picking up.

"Yes?" It was Noir which was surprising but at least it meant the two were together.

"Yeah, hey it's me. You don't need to look any more. I found him."

"Where are you?"

"umm." Dabi looked around and then described the street.

"We'll be right there." Noir assured him.

Dabi hung up grumbling "I don't get paid enough for this."

"You don't get paid at all." A blond acrobatic head appeared above his head. Green leaves fluttering down with the golden hair that swayed on an upside down head.

"You're going to give me a heart attack!" Dabi jolted back.

"Te-he." Toga skillfully let her upside-down body twist in the air as she dropped then landed.

"I thought you were chasing after Deku."

"I am. And as I was doing so, luckily for me I ran into you and this adorable little guy." Toga hugged Shigakari but just as quickly let go before she could be transformed into dust.

"So where is Deku?"

Toga pointed a finger in the direction of All Might and Deku. "Even weakened I don't think I can beat All Might, but I do have a plan in mind." a Mischievous pearly white smile lit up her demeanor

"Uggg. This is going to be Troublesome isn't it?"

A black void opened connection two places at once, Kurogiri stepped out with Noir. Shion at this point was grateful that these guys haven't killed him yet. He hopped they would forgive him as well. His new goal right now was survival. Kurogiri approached Shigaraki while Dabi went over to Shion.

"Well." Dabi put a hand on Shion's shoulder as Kurogiri started talking to Shigaraki. "You are going to fix him and that curly haired dweeb over there next to the bony guy with hallow eyes." Shion nodded without a sound. "Good! Hopefully Shigarki doesn't try to kill you between now and the time we get Deku back." Dabi lifted up his hand and went over to where Toga was at.

She giggled like a maniac, "Noir!" She leaned into his ear with a whisper, he nodded. She pulled out a small vial of red liquid inspected it and then put it back and pulled out a different one. She put it to her lips and drank it. she put the empty bottle back and her body began to shrink. Her blond hair turned to an onyx color and her eyes glistened silver. "Okay let's go Dabi!" she laughed in an unfamiliar and high-pitched voice. Toga was now a completely unknown person.

Dabi and Toga moved in the direction of All Might and Deku.

Shion was stunned were these guys really going to pick a fight with the number one hero?! They were absolutely insane! Kurogiri snapped Shion out of his stupor.

"Shigaraki says that he understands the situation so it's all right for you to turn him back, without worrying about being killed."

Shion swallowed, trying to get rid of the dry desert in his mouth, or the lump in his throat. One mess up from him would result in his death.

He placed a hand on top of the child's head. The eyes looked up to him as cold as Shion's shaking hands. These were not the eyes of a child, they were the eyes of a dangerous beast. with a deep breath Shion released the quirk's hold on him. The boy begun to grow tall and his clothing started to hug his skin and eventually start ripping from being too small. Kurogiri covered him in a jacket.

"Welcome back." The full grown Shigaraki looked stunned and disoriented. "We'll explain everything but for now return home and put on some clothing that fits."

Shigaragki glared but did as he was asked, he stepped into the black abyss. Shion thanked his lucky stars that he was still breathing. One down and one more to go.

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