Reference and Note to the Text

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Hello everyone I'm back! Thanks for your patience and support I hope you like the revision better!

Note to the Text:

Updates are...  Whenever I get there

Firstly, this FanFiction starts to pick up around Chapter 120 of the Manga All Rights for art belong to original artists! Art was found on Pintrest or Tumblr. Any original art by me will be pointed out and under Public domain copyright (although I would be happy if you used Creative Common Attribution Copyright). 

Second Please read and abide by these rules In the past I've run into problems with people in the comments. This time around I'm starting fresh and New with this book so please respect and follow these rules I've set. Don't let these rules intimidate you. Comments are my favorite part of my books. I love seeing your reactions and they are fun, funny, and make friends. PLEASE COMMENT!!!! Don't be shy about it but also please, once again, I am asking you follow my rules. The fact that I have rules is bad enough. So lets get into the Nitty Gritty so we can get into the good stuff.

1) PLEASE no swearing. Absolutely no F-bombs. I've seen stories erased and written up for swearing done in the comment section. I don't want that to happen here. Also I know some people find it offensive so just use alternative words instead of swearing, when commenting please.

2) Be kind, be nice, and BE RESPECTFUL! I cannot even express how important this rule is. I will not tolerate any mean comments or bullying. There is a deference between sarcasm and arguing vs. Trolling and bullying. Also criticism is okay and welcome my book isn't perfect to I appreciate when people point out mistakes so that I can fix them. Plus calling me evil, cruel, and horrible for doing things to the characters as well as death threats (yes this has happened to me multiple times I.E if you kill this character I will kill you. And let's be honest I will win any death threat because my response is usually,
If you kill me you'll never know what happens next or you'll never get a sequel. But if I'm feeling edgy I'll say you can't kill someone that's already dead, cause I'm dead inside XP. RIP ME anyway...) I can basically take anything thats directed
Or said at me because I understand that you are just joking and playing around with me and also I've got thick skin.
But I don't want to see that towards others. Unlike when you are talking over the phone or face to face it can be hard to distinguish tone through text. So be careful of what you say because it can hurt or help the other person on the other side of the screen. Words have such a great impact on people! (Which is why I love writing) Whether that impact is positive or negative is up to you to decide. Bottom line is show some respect and TLC to each other! 

That's it. Those are my only two rules so please follow them. I do read just about every comment even if I don't always reply. And in case I feel like any of these rules have been broken I reserve the right to delete any comments I find rude, crude, or in anyway offensive. 

Thank you for your understanding and lets get along and enjoy this story together! 


In my first draft I had a character page, I'm not going to do that for every character in this book, I'm kind of lazy so here is my makeshift character page as well as my original Character's that you'll be seeing. If you need any additional info or a refresher just google the Characters or ask my about my OCs.

Character Sheets:

Character Sheets:

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