Chapter 26

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Toga burst through the door, "Emergency! Emergency! This is Uber important!!!"

"What is it now you drama queen?"

Toga ignored Dabi's remarks "I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure that Deki got turned into a kid by that Thief! I just saw one that looked like a mini version of him!"

"And why didn't you bring him back?" Dabi scoffed.

"How was I supposed to do that when the Hero's had him?!"

"Say what." The tone was flat and it was coming from Shigaraki.

"The Heroes have Deki!" Toga whined while bending her knees and popping back up.

Shigaraki's eyes turned cold. He was too careless. He thought it would be fine, and he let his guard down. Frustrated he started to mutter and itch his neck.

"If the hero's have him" Kurogiri spoke up, "then all we have to do what we do best."

"Steal him back." Noir finished Kurogiri's thought.

"How are we going to do that, walk into the front door?" Dabi asked skeptically.

"It wouldn't be the first time." Kurogiri pointed out as he moved in front of his bar.

"First we should find the thief, who turned him small." Shigaraki asserted. "Then we get Deku back."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go hunt him down!" Toga began to march out of the room but was stopped by Dabi who pulled her collar.

"You don't even know what he looks like how you are going to find him?"

"Then I'll bring back Deki, and you take care of the shrinking dude." Toga spat at Dabi.

Shigaraki grabbed his hands placing then back on his body, "I'm the only one who knows what he looks like. I'll go find him."

"But the heroes know your face!" Toga warned.

Shigaraki smiled while closing the door behind him. "Don't worry," Kurogiri said, "He'll be fine. Just get ready to enter U.A I'll warp you there. "

"What should I do?" Dabi asked.

"Go catch up with Shigaraki, if you would."

"Ight' no problem." Dabi pulled himself away from the couch following after Shigaraki.

"Looks like it's just us two." Noir unfolded his arms and slid them into his pockets.

"Seems so. Should we get to work? We may not have a flashy job but that doesn't make it any less important."

"Wait! I've got to go; you're not going to be my partner?" Toga whined at the two remaining father figures.

Kurogiri and Noir looked at each, "I suppose I could make a distraction?" Noir asked.

"No then they will know we are there." Kurogiri shut down the idea, better not to entertain the impossible.

Toga gave a hefty sigh, "Fine, I'll go alone. "

Like clockwork they moved perfectly, Each individual an important piece of the puzzle. They needed to get the lost piece: Deku. Every one of them carefully prepared to get Deku back. This was more important they the Hero's could know.

During this time of crisis, Shion was wandering around the black market trying to figure out where his buyer was. He was lost and his meeting place was nowhere near where he was. He couldn't afford to be late he needed that money.
He grumbled while passing a shop. It looked like it had modified suits and objects being sold. In front as a tan young man talking with another person. The second guy also looked young despite his white hair. Shion felt goosebumps lift up his arms. He rubbed his neck unconsciously while looking at the white-haired man. He had hands grasping his body peculiarly.

The tan kid he was talking to looked slightly shocked as he made eye contact with Shion. He looked at the strange man and pointed looking back at Shion. As the White one turned around Shion failed to see his face because it was coveted by a disjointed hand. He patted the tan man's shoulder and began walking towards Shion, who's body was frozen from the pressure. His body told him to run, but that command was ignored by the intense pressure he felt.

"Found you. " Shigaraki stated as he stood in front of the boy.

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