Chapter 29

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Scrap sneezed, as Shigariki walked away from him. He rubbed his nose, glad to help one of Toga's friends. It was a surprisingly easy coincidence that the boy Shigariki was looking for was so close by. Scrap felt a little pity for the poor sap who crossed The League of Villains even if he didn't know it. Scrap turned around to close his shops door as he did he saw from the corner of his eye the boy slapping Shigariki.

Blood drained from Scrap's face, "That kid is so dead." Was all he managed to say. Shigariki started to move his hand towards the kids face but froze midway. The boy ducked and ran in the opposite direction disappearing into a crowd of people. Scrap looked at Shigariki then at the kid. What the gosh-diddly-darn was happening? Scrap blinked, rubbed his eyes, and then pinched his cheeks. "What the crap!?" Scrap's mouth was hanging open as Shigariki started to shrink. Scrap looked around in a panic, if people saw this it could get dangerous for Shigariki. Scrap ripped his work gloves away from their hanging position on his tool-belt and slipped them on. He didn't want to risk touching Shigariki's skin directly and saying goodbye to his hand.

He acted quickly pulling the young villain inside his shop and flipping the open sign on his door to close. The small boy's clothing was now falling off him and the shirt covered him like a dress. Some of the hands on his body stayed in place while others fell along with the overly-large clothing. The boy stared dazed but also calculating.

Scrap shivered trying to hide his shuttering breath as he did so. Scrap looked away at the boy and stared at some of the dropped clothing. On top was some hands. It wasn't right, nor did it feel natural, having human hands with no body to belong to. Scrap tried to meet Shigariki's eyes that peered through the fingers of the hand that rested on his face.

"You'll be safe inside here for now. I'll call-" Scrap was interrupted by the young voice.

"Who are you?" It was cold, way too cold for a child, yet somehow it was more bone - chilling than ever.

Scrap smiled chuckling nervously as Little Shigariki opened and closed his palms. "Come on Shigariki, I'm a friend of Toga's. The name's Scrap. You know this."

His eyes narrowed, "I don't know you or any Toga. How do you know my name?" His voice was threatening.

Scrap started to panic, somehow the kid Shigaraki was scarier than the adult version, which seemed impossible. "Look just let me get you some smaller clothing and I'll call, Toga or Dabi to come get you."

Shigariki looked at him skeptical but nodded reluctantly. Scrap sighed on relief. "I'll be back, I can quickly make something simple with regular fabric."

The children's clothing took about 40 minutes to make. Scrap handed to the clothing to the child. Never before had he sweated so much to make something as small as and simple as children's clothing. "Here." Scrap handed the clothing to Shigaraki, "You can change in the room over there." Scrap gave a small smile as Shigaraki took the clothing without a word.

Scrap let out a sigh that he had been holding in and clutched his pounding chest. "I thought he I was going to die." He swallowed a lump in his throat and pulled out his phone to call Toga.

She answered almost immediately, "Yello? This is Toga~♡."

"Hey you'll never guess what happened, I need you here ASAP!"

"Shigariki should be near you, I'll call him and-"

"It's about him!"


"Don't worry he's not physically hurt but..." Scrap trailed off, "it's easier to see it rather than explain it."

"Alright I'll call Dabi since I'm kinda in the middle of something."

"I don't care as long as you get here soon. I would like to live and little Shigariki looks ready to kill me."

"Then don't die." Toga made a te-he sound and the phone buzzed a dead tone.

Scrap sighed, this was more trouble than he bargained for. He put the phone away and hollered. "Shigariki you done?"

There was no answer. "Shigariki?" Still silence filled the space. Scrap approached the room knocking on the door. When no one answered he opened the door to an empty room and a flung open window. "You've got to be kidding me! Today is not my day!"
Shigariki was gone.

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