Chapter 4

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Ida's legs started growling to life as Ashido could be seen with dripping goop from her hands.

"READY... GOOO!" Mic pumped his hands in the air and the two sprang into action. Ashido threw her Acid goo at Ida but he managed to dodge he jumped over the pile and kicked her pushing in her towards the edge of the ring. "Geh." She exclaimed as he landed and rushed to close in the space. She dropped acid across the floor and slid on it as if it where ice. As she did she sprayed more where ever she was moving.

Ida dodged the acid and moved towards the direction she was moving but he slowly started slowing down. If he went to fast on the liquid goo he wouldn't be able to stop and would likely slide or hydroplane. Ashido smiled as the ring slowly started to fill up with her acid goo. Ida notice what she was trying to do and started to analyze how he could stop her.

Ida tried again to the air kick, but she ducked down and slid across the gooey ground easily. "I won't fall for the same trick twice." She smiled and sprayed him with her goo. He tried to dodge but the ground caused him to slip and fall. While Ashido missed because of Ida's fall the bell range signalizing the end of the match.

"GOOD MATCH YOU TWO!" Mic called out.

"Ida you did good, but you underestimated your opponent's ability as well as her strength in strategy. This is a good lesson for you, sometimes the ground will not be optimal for your running Quirk when that happens you'll need to think of what to do. Ashido found out your weakness and its likely many others will too. Its good you discovered this now, so that you can work on it."
Ida nodded "Yes All Might! Thank you very much for your advice I recognize this was my loss."

All Might smiled "Ashido very well done with your quirk if you can refine your control it could become a great asset to you and train your reflexes a bit more, on that first attack you almost fell out of the ring. Congratulations on your win."

"Thank you!" Ashido made a V shape and smiled as she hopped of the arena.

All Might called it a day and told everyone the final ten would go on tomorrow. Before making it to the showers to clean up Kacchan stopped Deku.


Aizawa grumbled thinking for a moment. "We'll do the last two matches and the winner matches tomorrow, that way we can get the place cleaned up. Also because there are only three possible opponents it will be easy to plan a strategy against each of them. So I'll just announce the battles for tomorrow ahead of time. The first one will be Jiro V.S Uraraka and the second one will be Deku Vs. Momo. Everyone get ready for tomorrow, class is dismissed.

"I hope we don't have to fight each other." Uraraka told Deku as they left the building.

"I agree you're a really tough person to fight." Deku then felt a slap on his back and he stumbled forward before regaining his balance.

"That was fun, but UGGG!!! I can't believe I lost!" Ida pounded his fists into the air.

Deku looked down at his feet for a minute and then back at his friend's faces. He looked back at his teachers and made eye contact with All Might who smiled and gave him a thumbs up, right beside him Aizawa gave a barely noticeable half-smile and a small nod.

Deku looked forward and smiled. The two teachers probably decided to do this duel tournament to ease the tension in the class. After what had happened with Deku they needed a change of pace. The classroom air would be suffocating, and Deku would probably not even pay attention to class and just overthink everything that had happened. Yes, these Teachers knew their students well and knew exactly what they needed.


Himiko sighed, "Aww I wanted to see our cute little Deki fight." She moved away from the window, where she was watching the class battle. As far as she could tell there was no blood lust in Deku's smiles.

She would have to continue observing, this was not a problem to her she was good at waiting. Well... As long as she didn't get board that is. After all she was one of the most inpatient, rambunctious members of the league. But tomorrow their would be more fun to watch and today there was plenty that she could do, and look at.

She watched as the sky dulled, and the kids disappeared into the dorms. She could do the same, sneak in and hide until morning. But where was the fun in that? She didn't need sleep; the night was her friend. It enveloped her in a blanket of darkness allowing her access to the world. It was like a magic trick. She could see and hear everything, but they couldn't see her. With night she could do what she did best she could spy. After all that was what she came here to do.

This was a unique chance to examine the teachers as well as the students. They knew All Might's class already but the rest, especially the older classes they did not know as much. This seemed silly to Himiko. The older years were going to be hero's they would be fighting in a year or two. They were a closer threat to the League then class 1-A was.

Kurogiri smoke is actually his quirk and he can 'turn' it off any time just like All Might and Eraser Head.

Kurogiri goes out in public in his 'human' form often.

The only person who has seen Kurogiri in his human form is Himiko. But if Shigaraki asked Kurogiri to show him his human form he would.

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