"Look, I'm not the wiser person when it comes to relationships. But if you really need my advice, I would say you need to go slow. Show her that you are into her but don't be so obvious, that way you can have an idea of where things are going before you make a fool of yourself, you know".

"I guess that makes sense".

"I don't know what else to say, really"

"No, that's ok. You're right. Thank you, Brian".

"No problem. Hey, are you up for some beers this week?"

"Yeah, that sounds good. I'll text you".

"Ok. Good luck. Bye"


What Brian had said was kind of obvious but I needed to hear that from someone else, so his words were actually very helpful.

Camila had put me in an awkward position after years of enjoying my bachelor life. This girl just stumbled into my life, made me fall for her when she was in a relationship and then turned my world again by being single.

I grabbed my phone. I was going to text her.

[S: Hey, how's the new home?]

Ok, that was simple, casual. You're doing good.

I waited around for like 10 minutes before I saw three dots on the screen.

[C: Lonely. I'm making dinner for one]

[S: Where's ur roommate?]

[C: On call, she's a nurse]

[S: What r u cooking?]

If I remember correctly she had said she didn't cook.

[C: Roasted veggies and steak]

[S: I hope u don't burn the kitchen down]

I hope she knows I'm joking.

[C: If I do, it'll be ur fault bc u r distracting me]

Was she joking or should I stop messaging her?

My phone started vibrating in my hand and I saw her name displayed on the screen. I picked up right away.

"Sorry, I can't cook and text at the same time. I'm gonna put you on speaker, hold on", she said.

"Well, hi". I said when the noise stop on her end stopped.

"Hi", she replied.

Damn, I wasn't planning for this part. Texting was a lot safer.

"Are you nailing it so far?" I asked her.

"Uhm... I haven't screwed it up yet, so that's good, right?"


Why am I being so awkward? I'm usually not this clumsy and shy around people.

"Did you already have dinner?", she asked me breaking the ice.

"No. I was thinking of ordering a pizza".

"Ugh, that sounds nice".

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