FOR HIM...??(Introduction)

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This story is about a girl who does anything and everything for a particular 'HIM' but who is that Him is the actual question here...... This girl is crazy about him, if you want her to do something, then all you have to say is 'do it for him' and then your work is done...... who is that crazy girl and what's her relation with that 'HIM'

'Pain' is the only word that describes her, 'pain' is an emotion which is expressed in a different way by each individual, some expresses it through tears, some through anger, some through self-harm and some with revenge. But there are also people who doesn't want to express their pain at all. This is a story of a girl who has shut all the doors and cage this emotion called 'Pain' inside herself and is prepared to live that way all her life..... But life is all about surprises and you can't prepare yourself to face it whatever you may do........

She thought she could live with that pain forever and needs nothing beside that. Everyone knew her as a very fun, talkative and happy soul but none can imagine that she is a person with pain filled heart and living a life of hell with the pain burning her soul every minute......

People often say that Happiness and Sadness are two important emotions that spices up your life, but pain is an emotion which can make or break your life...... It's necessary for you to be sad to know the value of happiness says many but she isn't ready to buy any of these words..... she stopped taking people to heart after that tragedy at least she thought she did but the fact is she is still the same girl who lets people in her life very easily....... She is bearing the pain of losing her father from 13 years yet the wound is still fresh, why wouldn't it, she hadn't let the pain out till date...... May be that's the reason god made pairs..... She is crazy about her father and can do anything for him, her this craziness about her father made her think that she can never get herself to love a man other than her father.....

She hates doctors especially cardiologists as she thinks that's them that killed her father without giving him proper treatment in a right time..... Her father died of heart failure which made her hate them.....

Many people told her to move on, they say "Yes, losing a father is a very big thing, but you shouldn't stop your life because of that, start getting a life for yourself, live for yourself, love yourself, make yourself happy, you are not the only person who lost your father, there are many people out there who doesn't have both the parents, who doesn't have anyone to care about them, you are lucky you at least have your mother and brother who cares for you blah, blah and blah....." but whom would she tell that she doesn't miss only her father but also a man who puts everyone before him, who even loved people who plotted against him, who doesn't know how to hurt a person, who kept on sacrificing every single thing for the sake of his family and everyone, who had little dreams but left the world without fulfilling any of it, how would she explain people that she isn't sad for herself but for her father who had never experienced happiness in his life, because he was too busy in making others happy....... Her pain is not only for herself but for him, the man who was her everything and she was left with nothing after he passed away...... How would she get herself in loving her husband after all the pain she had got with her father's absence in her life, and when she finally started moving on and get to love her husband which she thought would be impossible, How will she handle it when her husband doesn't reciprocate her feelings and treats her like a trash ? Wil she survive this time ??

Dr.Vihaan Saxena is a cool, fun, handsome, charming and very lovely person full of hope and life. He is an Interventional Cardiologist and complete opposite of what people think of Heart Docs...... He was never the angry and strict type but more of a calm, composing, patient person, Yes he needs things to be perfect but if they weren't, he knew how to set right them....... But what happens when he is forced into a girl's life without his will which shatters his only dream of having a perfect partner, the partner whom he wished to have ?? He thought hating that girl is his right but he never thought that the girl he is hurting may not be capable of taking more pain......

For the first time in her life after her father's death, she felt a hope arising after seeing him, though she crushed it successfully...... But what if her already shattered heart is broken into million pieces along with a little hope that rose inside her..... Will she make it through or will she give up just like she did 13 years ago ??

She married Vihaan for Him, Her father..... but Will she be able to replace that 'Him' in her life with Vihaan erasing her father ??

Will Vihaan become that 'Him' in her life for whom she can do anything and everything ??

Will he help her with her pain or add more to it??

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