Twenty Two.

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Chapter Twenty Two - Carlos POV

After twenty four hours, Mila is discharged from hospital, and is told that over the course of these next few days, will need someone to stay and take care of her. Obviously I was more than happy to volunteer myself for her needs, but she was adamant that she will be fine by herself.

Ox had scanned the camera footage, checking every different prospective, and came back with nothing. Of course, not satisfied I told him to check again and send it to me, so that when I am alone I can watch through it.

The way Mila is acting makes me certain that she's acting, never looking at me, flinching away. Someone done this to her, but I can't push her for answers, its my fault for flying her out here in the first place.

Seated in a wheelchair, because every time she stood up she almost fainted, I push Mila towards the car where Ox is patiently waiting. "Are you feeling better Ms Williams?" Ox asks smiling towards her, she avoids eye contact and simply nods her head, as I carry her into the car.

Attempting to strap her into the seat, her eyes finally meet mine, burning with anger. "I can do it myself!" She snaps, ripping the seatbelt away from my fingers and slipping it into the hole, until a click can be heard.

Ignoring her, I slide myself into the seat next to her, pulling out my laptop and beginning work. We are heading to the airport to fly back home, where Mila will be staying with me until she gets better, and I can find out answers. Of course, she doesn't know that, otherwise she would have unstrapped herself and attempted to disappear.

As I concentrated on my work, the sound of Mila's phone playing the news caused me to snap my attention towards her phone.

"Last night Carlos Alexanderson and his family dined at a expensive restruant In France, where his new girlfriend Mila Williams met them for the first time. During the meal Mila Williams passed out due too, two large indentations on her head. Witnesses say they believe that it was the actions of Carlos Alexanderson, and we expect to hear more later on."

Her eyes shot towards my own, slightly filled with tears, as she reached out to grab my hand, squeezing it tightly. "I'm sorry, this is all my fault, If I hadn't been so stupid then none of this would have happened."

Tears are now falling down her face, as I grip her hand tighter and brush away the ones falling. "Don't be stupid Mila, its not your fault, it's whoever done this." She looks shocked as she holds eye contact with me, for the first time in a while. "Just admit it, I'm the only one here. Someone done this to you"

She shook her head and dropped my hand, before starring out the window, as we edged closer to the airport. "So we're going home?" She almost whispers as I nod my head, the car coming to a stop outside the private jet.

The staff are busy putting the suitcases into the correct compartments, and carefully I place Mila into my arms and carry her up the steps, before lying her down on the plush leather sofa. "Mila, I'm not going to keep pushing you to tell me who done this, I'm going to find out, but if you ever want to tell me, I'm always listening. And when we arrive back, you will be coming to stay with me for a few days, so that me and my staff can make sure you are safe and well."

Mila doesn't respond instead snuggles deeper into the blanket, resting her head on my lap. The familiar voices of my family boarding the plane, causes her head to snap up, and her eyes to shoot towards me. "You didn't tell me they'd be flying with us?" She says almost panicked as I smirk towards her.

"Its fine, we don't need to act, they believe us already." I whisper as they seat themselves across from us.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" Susan asks leaning so that she can see Mila, her blonde hair covering her face.

"Better thanks, just tired." Susan nods her head and doesn't ask any more questions, allowing Mila to try and get some sleep, as my brother sits in front of me smirking.

"What's up with you?" I ask him as his eyes shoot towards me surprised.

"Nothing, just glad to finally be going home!" He says leaning back into his chair, sliding his headphones into his ears.

Mila's body is shaking and sweating profusely, as I run my fingers through her hair in attempt to calm her, however it doesn't work as my lap becomes dap with tears. Her sobs come to an abrupt stop, as she drifts to sleep, my fingers still playing with her long brown locks.

When the plane had landed, and my family had disembarked, Mila was still 'sleeping'. I knew she wasn't really asleep, she had gasped when the plane landed, and I had caught her fiddling with her fingers, something she does when she's nervous. But clearly she doesn't want to speak to everyone, which is understandable considering they all want to hound her with questions.

Softly I shake her 'awake', as her eyes flutter open and her lips press tighter together, as she checks the room before trying to stand up. She's still to weak, as dizziness succumbs her, and she grabs me for support. Once again I carry her into the car, so that we can head back to my home, and she can get the proper care that she needs. 

"Drop me off at my place, I'll be fine. You've done enough for me." She says as she looks up at me, with her beautiful green eyes.

"No, your staying at my place Mila" Maybe I am being a bit harsh, perhaps she doesn't want to be stuck with me any longer, but I don't want her to hurt herself further.

"Carlos, I'll be fine, drop me off at my place!" She demands sitting upright, her eyes focused on me. "Ox, can you drop me off please."

"No can do Ms, Carlos orders." She huffs in response, before folding her arms and start stropping like a toddler.

"Its my fault that you got hurt in the first place, so I'm going to help."

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