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Chapter Nineteen - 

Lucas Alexanderson, clearly doesn't like his questions to not be answered, but I'm uncertain what he wants to hear. The truth or the lies?

"I work as a realtor." Carlos smiles towards me, as I clearly made the best decision to lie. But there wasn't even a chance that I would tell him the truth.

"What company do you work for?" I scanned my brain for any real business that existed, before giving up.

"I'm actually an independent realtor, more money and my own hours." I say smiling towards him, as he raises his eyebrows.

"What's your company called?" Shit! He's going to goggle whatever I say, and in a matter of seconds find out that I'm lying.

"It's Williams Realtor, I keep telling her to change the name but she's adamant on keeping it, isn't that right sweetheart." I laugh as I watch Lucas take his phone out his pocket.

"I would show you the website, but its down for maintenance, Carlos is helping me and if I'm not working at the moment there's no need for it to be up!" I say quickly trying to cover the lies, Lucas stares at me for a moment before excusing himself to go to the toilet. "So Susan, how long have you two been married?"

I know the answer to the question, but I need her to start talking about herself, so that the attention is no longer on me. "Five years I think, god times flies when your with the right person. Don't you find that?" She asks as I place my glass back onto the table, the wine spills slightly on the white tablecloth.

"So do I! Every day I spend with Carlos, is like minutes. I hope that we can spend the rest of our lives together!" I say chucking as she laughs in response.

The food is served, the tasteful aroma hitting me nose making my stomach growl, Carlos has ordered us both chicken with some fancy servings on the side, Lucas returns right on time as we begin eating. None of us make small talk as we dig into our meals, the food is exquisite and each mouthful is like I'm tasting something different.

When we had all eaten our meals, desserts and more drinks were ordered, as the chatter begins again. "I'm just going to the lady's room babe!" I say pecking his lips before sliding out my seat. The truth is I've needed to go for ages, but never had the right time to excuse myself, but now I was busting.

As soon as I reach the bathroom door, I felt hands wrap tightly around my neck, at first I thought It could have been the women Carlos had dumped, but as my eyes met his I knew what he wanted.

"Surprised you even turned up, considering you threw a glass at me the other day. You know I'm going to get you back for that you little bitch!" No one was close enough to hear my whimpers, as the grip around my neck got tighter. "If I could I'd punch your little doll face, but it would be to obvious to everyone sat at the table."

Dropping the grasp around my neck, I start breathing heavily as tears threaten to spill down my face. "You going to cry sweetheart?" He asks almost spitting the last word at me, before roughly shoving me into the bathroom, locking the door.

"Stop! Please I'm sorry!" I say begging as he smirks evilly towards me, grabbing my hair and throwing my head against the solid wall, making me cry In pain.

"Not so tough now!" He says as a chuck of my hair falls out hitting the grown, my head is pounding and I'm sure there is blood. I thought he might be done but he continous to hurt me, throwing my head against the wall once more before the sound of my dress ripping hits my ears. "Carlos won't be happy that you've ruined the dress he brought you! Because your to poor to afford your own!" Spitting near me, he storms out slamming the door shut.

Pressing my back against the wall, I begin sobbing loudly, so that anyone outside could hear me, but I couldn't care. Pressing my hand against the area of my head that is throbbing, I notice that is bleeding causing me to cry harder. Its not like I can go out there and accuse Alex of hurting me, no one would believe it, not even Carlos.

I have spent to much time sat on the toilet floor, it wont be long before Carlos comes looking for me, and if he see's me like this he'll demand answers. Using the loo, I use the toilet paper to clean up my bleeding head as best as I can before adjusting my hair to hide it, along with the missing clumps.

My dress has ripped at the bottom, however its not as noticeable as I thought, giving myself one last look to make sure that I didn't look crazy I leave the bathroom. "You was gone along time, I came looking for you, thought you'd done a runner from my crazy family!" I laugh at Carlos as we head back to the table, my head bowed low as I pass Alex, not wanting to relive what just happened in the bathroom.

"Sorry there was a que!" I say sitting back down, as Lucas shoots me a confused look, I slip my hand into Carlos' own needing the support more than ever now.

"Alex says he saw you going in ages ago?" Lucas says as I simply shrug my shoulders, avoiding eye contact with anyone in case they notice what's wrong. My head is throbbing, and I'm starting to feel unwell, like I'm not in the room. "So Mila.. Maybe consider"

The words aren't making any sense, they're splitting up and my vision has become blurry, as I try to figure out what he was saying.

"Mila are you okay?" Darkness Is slowly surrounding me as I feel the eyes of everyone at the table looking at me.

"She doesn't look at all well!"


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