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Chapter Eight- 

The warm body of Carlos was no longer beside me, like it had been last night, instead his side was empty. He must have been in a rush this morning, I noted as I scanned the room where he had left scattered clothes. There was also no room service, showing that he couldn't have eaten before he left for work. But why did I care? He was a grown man and he has the decision to eat breakfast or not.

Looking at the alarm clock I noticed it was almost lunch time, and I had over slept massively. Although me and Carlos spent a large proportion of the night awake, because I was forcing him to watch all my personal favorite movies, I would never normally lay in till that late.

As much as I am enjoying, spending time here in France and with Carlos. I was slowly becoming bored, with none of my friends located here I'm not able to meet them for a catch up and discuss everything happening in my life or In theirs. And I certainly wasn't going to go downstairs and make friends at the bar, considering everyone here is rather posh and stuck up, and also judgmental.

Part of me wanted to explore France but with the hounding press is doesn't look that's going to be possible, and a large part of me didn't want to get lost in a unknown country. Deciding on another one of my favorite movies, I have many, I began watching getting wrapped into the story until they began talking about their brother. Without Carlos here my dreams were able to catch up with, making my mind snap back to that night.

Five missed calls from my brother, three hours without looking at my phone and no a single bit of context. I had began panicking before calling his number back, each time reaching voicemail and hanging up. I had called my mother, a rare occurrence that never happened , in a frantic state asking her about Jay. She hadn't heard from him since the previous day before and hand tried calling him an hour ago with no reply. She had attempted to reassure me, that he was fine probably high out of his mind to understand how to answer the phone. But that was what worried me the most, that he was in some sort of danger.

Driving back home was a blur to me, however I had been alerted by the speeding cameras that I was going to fast and was awarded a ticket a week later, which I had promised myself that Jay would owe me after he arrived home.

But he never came home.

Everyday I was calling the police office asking if they'd heard anything, and each day they would tell me it's a ongoing case. They had no answers, no leads as to were he might be. And as time went on they decided that it was inconclusive. There was no evidence that he was still alive, no credit card use, no witnesses and no proof but with no body they couldn't tell us what we were all thinking. And it was all my fault, had I have caught the calls I would have been able to get there in time, to stop whatever happened.

But I was to slow, like I was every time.

Another time I had been to slow, was when Jay overdosed in his 'friends' apartment, they had called me and I had chosen not to answer due to a row me and him had, had earlier that day. It was a stupid argument, over me not calling mother enough, and I had cussed him out.

Of course he told me, it wasn't my fault that he overdosed yet I could tell In the way my mother spoke that she believed it was my fault. "He's in a fragile state, you have to be careful what you say to him."

But he had always been in a fragile state, as a child if you gave him criticism he would take it to heart, break a few objects before storming out to the tree house. But that's why I understood what Carlos had said about giving Alex time, although he was recovered, he was still very much fragile and saying one thing could snap him back into that state again.

"You okay Mila?" Carlos asks his deep voice breaking me from my night mare thoughts, I didn't have the energy to speak instead I simply nod my head before slipping out of the covers. "I thought we could go out and explore France, like we was meant to yesterday?"

"Sure, let me just get ready." He could tell instantly after me only saying a few words that I wasn't okay. My voice had cracked numerous times during the sentence and I could hear that it was a lot higher than normal as I was holding back tears.

Once dressed and ready Carlos takes my hand guiding me towards the exit of the room, where he introduces me to a broad and rather tall man, his face is expressionless and his eyes are deep set and hollow with dark black circles that leads me to think he hasn't slept in weeks. "This is Ox, he's our body guard from here on out." Carlos seemed rather agitated by this, and I wondered if his father had instructed him to hire him.

"Where to first?" I desperately wanted to head straight to the Eifel tower that can be seen out our apartment window however I gathered a man like Carlos had already prepared where and what we are doing.

Heading out the back exit, Ox slipped into the drivers seat and started the engine, not only was he our bodyguard he doubled as a driver and wasn't as moody as the other one previously. "So remind me of the name again."

"Val d'lsere." Putting on a rather awful impression of a French accent, he smiles towards me showing his perfect white teeth. Carlos wouldn't reveal, what this place was and had instructed me that I was under no circumstances was I to look at it on my phone.

I had irritated Ox during a part of the journey, asking him over and over again wat exactly it was and how long until we got there? He had decided to ignore me, which had left me rather frustrated and Carlos rather smug looking.

"And we're here."

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