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Chapter Fifteen - 

"Mila, what did I tell you about keeping you cool!" Carlos shouts towards me as I clean up the glass throwing it into the bin, not caring if it stabs me.

"You never said that!" I yell back towards him as he runs a hand through his hair before looking at me. "Anyways he had it coming for him! He said my brother is a murder!" To say I am pissed is a under statement.

"You know that's not true don't you?" He asks curiously, his eyes filled with questions. I shake my head not wanting to cry yet again, in front of him.

"He could have been anything Carlos, I don't know my brother anymore." I watch as Carlos grabs his phone from his pocket, heading up the stairs to talk to however is on the other end of the phone.

Why would my brother be a murder? He was involved in drugs yes, but the police had said nothing about him killing anyone. My mother would have died from a heart attack after hearing that, she nearly did when she found out my brother was missing. Maybe Carlos knows something more? It is brother after all and maybe he would have opened up more to him?

Deciding to ask Carlos, I head towards the room he had entered, pausing outside to see if he is still on the phone. "Are you fucking stupid... She thinks her brother a fucking murderer thanks to you! Could have just stuck to the script!"

What does he mean stick to the script? Had they planned all along what Alex was going to say to me? Fed me lies this whole time about him not being ready, but in reality he hadn't learnt the script yet. But for what reason? I couldn't see them gaining anything from not telling me.

Pushing open the bedroom door, I watch as Carlos quickly drops the call, before starring at me. "Everything okay?" I wanted so desperately to ask him what he is hiding, but I continued to keep my mouth firmly shut, and instead nod my head. "How much did you hear?" He asks as I attempt to look confused.

"Nothing why? Do you need me to leave so you can finish the call?" I ask still trying to stop myself from saying anything.

"No its fine, its just important business... top secret." Sure, I think to myself, more like lying to cover your ass. I need a plan, something to help me find the answers, and his brother is my new target.

"So I'm guessing I'm not going to be seeing your brother anytime soon." I say chucking slightly, Carlos steps towards me before grabbing my hands into his.

"Mila there's something we need to discuss, but I feel as if you've been through enough stress today, so it can wait until tomorrow" The lights flicker and glancing out the window, I can see that the snows falling thicker and heavier than before.

"I'm a big girl, I can handle what you have to say!" Although that was a huge lie, I had acted like a child earlier throwing the glass at Alex out of anger. Maybe he's going to confess about the meal being scripted.

"Mila, dad and Susan are flying out to France tonight and are staying with Alex at the hotel. They want to have dinner with Alex and Me, and have also invited you."

Dinner with both his father and Alex, was like a date in hell, we would have to spend the entire evening pretending that we are a couple in love, and I would have to try not to strangle Alex. Plus its going to be extremely awkward considering what happened tonight. "Do I have to go?" I ask as he glares at me, I instantly regret saying anything.

I owe Carlos whatever he needs, he's flown my out to France, payed for all my expenses, its one night of hell till we can return back to this bliss. "Fine, but I can't promise that I wont throw anything at Alex"

"Deal, but first we have to go over a few things."

We are both sat in the living room, a new wine glass, filled back to the top in my hand, whilst Carlos settles with a beer. "Okay what do I need to know?"

Carlos is preparing me for the dinner tommorow night, apparently I need to know all about Susan and her very boring life, because if I get along with her, I get along with his father. "Not trying to be rude, but if she's anything like her son, I doubt we're going to get along"

Carlos raises his eyebrows, a thing he has been doing often since being stuck with me. "Susan is a massive drama queen, so talk about her friends and her personal life and pretend you listening. But try not to butt in to much otherwise she gets annoyed, if the attention isn't on her."

So in other words, Susan is very much like her son, and I'm not going to like her, I bite my tongue aware that Carlos will get annoyed If he doesn't think I'm taking it seriously.

After telling me everything I need to know and more, we both decide to flick on the movie channel as I head towards the kitchen to grab the desserts that were meant to be for after dinner. Whilst we both tucked In, and the movie plays dimly in the background, I snuggle closer to Carlos feeling the heat of his body next to mine.

"Did you always want to take over your father business?" He stares down at me, our eyes interlocking, as I bit my lip wondering if it's a touchy subject.

"I trust you Mila, you're not like the other girls I've been with." He says as I sit upright starring at him.

"And why's that?" I ask the tip of my tongue runs across my lips.

"I haven't decided yet, but I will do soon." Leaning down he crashes his lips against mine, as I climb onto his lap as the kiss deepens and becomes more passionate.

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