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Chapter Twenty - Carlos POV

As soon as Mila stepped out of the bathroom, I could tell something was wrong, however I couldn't put my finger on what it was, she just didn't seem like her bubbly self.

Its my fault for bringing her, she's probably just as worn out and tired as me with all the lying, I shouldn't have made her do this. Should have lied to my father, saying that she was too busy, no matter what the consequence's were.

As we headed towards the table, she walked a lot slower behind me, her head bowed low and her smile replaced with a frown. I wanted to take her hand, tell her how sorry I am for forcing her here, but I didn't want to cause a reaction in front of everyone.

As we both seated ourselves, she began apologizing for taking so long in the bathroom. But why was she so long? There was no que, when I had arrived and Alex had seen her go in, maybe she just needed a moment to herself. Perhaps my father had said something she didn't like, and had simply gone in there to cool down?

My father shot her a puzzled look, as he continued to quiz her about her life, just as I was about to tell him to stop, I glanced at her. Mila's naturally tanned skin, had turned a pale white, and all color In her cheeks have been drained, her enticing green eyes were dimmed no longer sparking like they used to. "Mila are you okay?"

She didn't even look towards me as I spoke, her eyes where glued to the table as her body started to go limp. Susan yelled towards me, causing my father to shoot her a look, other people from around the room, started to stare at us as she faints, her eyes flickering sporadically. Making sure that she doesn't fall of her chair, due to the fact her bodies gone limp, I lay her on my lap as Susan starts yelling at my father.

"Is she okay?" Everyone in the restraunt seemed concerned, as Susan began panicking, my father trying to calm her down. Alex looks towards me before walking away from the table to go outside, he doesn't deal well in stressful situations, especially when his mother starts flapping.

"Call an ambulance!" My father yells towards the waiter, who hurriedly rushes towards the phone. Another waiter, who looks rather used to stressful occurrences, heads towards us holding some type of spice in a jar.

"Don't worry, I've got it" He says placing the spices under her nose, he does this numerous times before panic sets in his eyes. "The ambulance will be here soon!" He says before practically running away.

What happened to her? Maybe she has some type of medicine she needs to take? My mind was panicking as I racked my brain for answers, my fingers playing with the front strands of her hair, as my heart beats faster every second. Please be okay!

What felt like hours later, the paramedics arrive wearing their heavy looking kits on their back, as they rush towards us, weaving a stretcher around tables. "Did she faint?" They asks, their perfect English laced with their heavy French accents.

"Yes! I ... I don't know why"

"And she hasn't come round yet? How long has she been... out?" The man asks as he checks her pulse before saying something in French to the lady.

"I... I don't know?" I saying looking at my father as Susan cries into shoulder.

"Five minutes"

"Do you mind helping us, getting her on?" Agreeing I lift her up, making sure her dress wont get tangled on the wheels, and she's lying comfortable, as the eyes of the paramedics drop to the bottom of my shirt. "head bleed, lets get her into the ambulance!" Grabbing my jacket, I follow them, climbing into the back with the male paramedic, whilst the women heads to the front to drive, putting on the flashing lights.

Lifting up Mila's head, I can see to areas where her head is bleeding, blood sticking to her hair making it look matted. Who the fuck done that to her? "Do you know what happened?" He says shooting me accusing looks.

"I have no clue, she was in the bathroom, she didn't tell me about her head bleeding when she left, I didn't even know until we moved her!" My heart is racing out of my chest as my eyes look at her lying body, she is so beautiful and perfect, and I don't want anything to happen to her.

The two doors swing open as we arrive, grabbing her limp hand and holding it tight, I rush with them into the hospital, praying that she's going to be okay. "We're going to take her straight into surgery, wait here!"

Seating myself on the plastic chairs, I hold my head in my hands as tears threaten to spill, as I over and over again repeat in my head that's Its going to be okay. "Mr Alexanderson, I'm going to need you to fill this form out for her." Taking the pen and the piece of paper I fill out everything I know before handing it back.

Kindly the people working offer me drinks and food, however I refuse as I stare at the hospital floor, the strong smell of disinfection hitting my nose. Whoever has done this to her, is going to be fucking dead by tommorow!

"We came as fast as we could!" Susan says breathless as her and my father seat themselves opposite, taking the hot drinks the stuff offer them. "What do they think happened?"

"I don't know, she had two heavily bleeds on her head, how did I not see them!" I say almost sobbing as my father moves to sit beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Where Alex? He would have seen the dickhead that done this!" Susan shoots her eyes towards me.

"He was stressed, you know how he gets when he's worried, went home to try and sleep. But you think someone done this?"

"Sounds like fucking Alex! You don't get two heavily bleeds from going to the bathroom, even if she fell over it wouldn't have been as bad as that!"

"Calm down son, its going to be alright" My fathers words, calmed me slightly as I wait for the surgery doors to reopen. I just want my wife to be safe...

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