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Chapter Fourteen - 

Nerves are finally settling in, as I seat myself opposite Alex, Carlos' hand firmly on my leg. I had spent the day planning how and what I'm going to ask him, but now my mouth wont even open, let alone produce sound. "This dinners lovely Mila, but I believe I'm here for another reason then to simply dine with the both of you." His eyes scan between me and Carlos before finally settling on his plate, shoveling another fork full in his mouth, as I clear my throat.

"How did you meet my brother?" I ask putting the fork back on my plate, and nervously begin to fiddle with my fingers. His eyes shoot towards me, the towards his brother, before settling on me.

"First I have a few questions!" He says smirking towards me, as my heart rate speeds up, faster than before. My throat has dried up once more, instead of speaking, I simply nod my head allowing him to continue.

"You are dating Carlos correct? How did you two meet?" His questions are directed towards me, however Carlos clears his throat causing me to stare up at him, his ocean eyes catching my own.

"We met roughly around a year ago, she is mutual friends with the Hammonds. When they hosted their ball, she caught my eye and we instantly hit it off. Of course you arrived much later and by then she had already left." I thought Carlos had said not to lie, but apparently the rules don't apply to him.

"Is that true Mila?" Alex asks as I nod my head, wondering why he was questioning it so heavily. "And do you have any plans on proposing?"

"Um..." Carlos makes a long pause before he explodes into a fake coughing, as I tap him on the back hard. "What I was going to say, is that me and Mila have decided to take things slow."

"Yes, we've both decided to wait until we are certain its exactly what we want, although I've decided I could marry him right now" I say cutting in before offering a over enthusiastic smile in Alex's direction. Carlos' grip got tighter on my leg as we wait for Alex's response.

"I'm glad to see that my brothers finally settling down, especially after all those one night affairs he's had!" Carlos directs a glare towards Alex as the tension between them rises. "Anyways what was your question again? It was about how I knew your brother correct?"

"Yes, Jay Williams" I mentally smack myself, of course he knows who my brother is, he offers me a smile before taking a sip from his wine.

"Lets see, I knew your brother from school, I knew who you were of course. Little miss popular unlike me and your brother. Anyways me and Jay have always been our own group of two you know, prefer being alone, and high!" He says laughing as Carlos glares towards him once more. "It's just a joke brother, anyways your brother told me that he had an argument with your mother and that he was moving closer to the city and dropping out of school, I was bummed of course he was my only friend but I was still allowed to visit him everyday when Binder left."

"Who's Binder?" I had never heard Jay speak of his name before, let alone anyone else.

"Binder was his name, everyone called him that but his real name is something like Ron? I don't remember, nasty piece of work he was, always In and out of prison." Alex slides his hand into his pocket before producing a packet of cigarettes and lighting it, as Carlos shoots him a dirty look sliding the ash tray in his direction.

"How did he meet my brother?"

"Fuck knows! I couldn't tell you, the always spoke about bumping into each other at some warehouse, and something to do with your brother owing money. Anyways when they met and Binder found out he was in debt, he told him that if he sold drugs for a living he could make the money back to pay the guys." He says dropping the ash into the tray, as Carlos stands up to unlock a window.

"Who did he owe money to?"

"Some really nasty people, I ran into them once and thought I'd never be seen alive again. They're a gang run the area where you live. Your brother never gave them the money back he owed, Binder wouldn't give him any money just more gear which he used to get high."

"So do you think that's who killed him?" I ask nervously, still fiddling with my fingers.

"Doubt it, weren't really the murdering type. And even if they where, you wouldn't want to go near them. They cut some guys ear of as payment." 

"So where is my brother!" Anger is rising and I am getting annoyed listening to Alex beating around the bush. His eyebrows shoot up as Carlos removes his hand from m thigh and places into my hand.

"I couldn't tell you, It's a shame he was a good man, I have people looking into it and they have a few leads as to where he might be." My eyebrows rise and I drop Carlos hand as I stand up, pushing my arms onto the table making the plates rattle.

"So you know that he's alive? Where are these leads, lets report them to the police and get my brother back" Alex is smirking towards me before starring at Carlos.

"Might want to get this one on a leash! Even if it was as simple as telling the police, as soon as they find your brother, he'll be charged with murder" Fuming I grab the glass of wine, ready to lob it at Alex's head.

"He isn't a fucking murder! Are you still fucking high or something, you piece of shit" I say throwing my wine glass towards him, still full of wine. It misses him smashing onto the flood and seeping into the wood.

"Classy! Not surprised he found you at a strip club!" And with that Alex stands up avoid the glass on the floor and heads out the cabin.

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