*Chapter 19*

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"You look so beautiful." mom said with tears in the creases of her eyes.

"Please mom my hair isn't even done yet." I said.

She ignored my reply and tightly wrapped her arms around me. She hugged me so tight, that any extra fat I had that was making the dress a little snug dissipated.

"Okay, okay!" I said hugging her slightly.

She released. Then the process repeated with dad.

*Honk Honk*

"That's Christina." I said fighting them away from me.

I quickly ran out of the house. For some odd reason, I did have my dress on. Yet I had 4 hours until Prom started. 2 of which would have to be used on my hair.

I walked out into the soft summer heat as a very low breeze blew through my undid hair. Chris stood outside her blue jeep opening the passenger door.

"Your carriage awaits your majesty." she said in a sad attempt of a guard impression.

"Thank you dear jester." I said with a not my best queen voice.

As I sat down, she was already getting in.

"OK, we're still good on time." she said.

She turned on the radio.

"You know what time it is." she said.

Come come kitty kitty your so pretty pretty.

I sat dormant.

"I'm not sweating out this dress." I said.

The music ceased.

"You're no fun." Chris frowned.

"Hey, I'm fun." I said before turning the radio  back on and dancing.

We danced the whole way there.

(A little bit later)

"I fucking hate curls!" I said.

"You have natural curls." Chris said.

"Yeah but I can't stand these big Shirley Temple ones!" I yelled.

"I think they look fine." Chris said.

"No they don't, I know it! I'm going back in there that bitch needs to get a piece of my mind!"

"Clam down, there's no time for that." Chris said pushing me back from the entrance, "Keep in mind uou did say surprise me."

"Yeah but I wanted a nice surprise."

I was so angry. But Chris didn't know it wasn't because of my hair. That FUCK Brittany had my dress. It was only pure self control for the reason I didn't kill her in the shop.

"Let's go." Chris said.

I calmed down and got in.

"We better be early or I will go back in there." I snapped.

I checked the time. Exactly what I predicted. 7:15. A few hours and a couple minutes until 9.

Chris drove the car very fast to catch up to the time.

"Don't kill me." I said.

She remained focused with a slight chuckle.

The sun was just beginning to set. Right underneath our hill. It reminded me so much of when me and Chris were little, and we'd wait until the sun would start setting, like it was now, and we'd pretend we were looking at the sun from the moon.

'Best Friends' CodeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz