*Chapter 6*

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The three picture perfect cars pulled into the spots closest to the door. They all got out at nearly the same time, and met up with each other. Walking in a nerd proof bitch shield they walked to the front of the line waiting to get in to the school.

Everyone moved out of their way, even the damn teachers.

You already know the story of Brittany, and Jennifer is just her fucking brainless follower. She had no back story. But Amariae was different.

She had moved to the only mansion in town a couple years ago. No one really knew her because she went to Sadie Brooke, a private school about a half a mile into the city.

She always would be seen would be seen with Brittany and Jennifer whenever she stayed in her house in town. (Which was like once every other year)

Now, being rich didn't make you a bad person. Or being as beautiful as she was. Long locks of Hispanic curls going down to her ass, with green eyes, and caramel skin.

Being both made you a bad person. Because Brittany and Jennifer would hunt your little self down, and make you join there clique so they could gain more. In turn, you would become rude, popular, and a whore.( I sort of added whore but still) Everyone would bow down to you, and you could do whatever the hell you wanted to do.

"I thought she went to Sadie Brooke???" I said.

"I thought SHE moved to Florida???" Chris replied pointing to Brittany.

"Andy was right."

The doors to the 3 story building flung open. Kids all rushed in, none of which bumping into the three Queens.

"Still like the years before." Chris said.

"Tell me about it."

Into the crowded halls we walked. We quickly grabbed our books trying to beat The Rich Bitch Club's daily review. Unfortunately we were slow.

"Wow you two whores still go here." Brittany snobily snickered.

"I didn't fuck a teacher." I snapped.

Brittany slammed my open locker shut.

" I was raped."

"And bitch I'm Queen Elizabeth."

Chris laughed. Brittany could tell she didn't frighten me. She angrily popped her gum. Then bitch two took a try.

"Oops." She said knocking down my books.

Believe me, I wanted to beat both of their asses so hard. But I couldn't risk getting another warning. Last year principal Higgins said if I had one more problem she would suspend me. Being a junior I only had another year before college. Suspension doesn't look good on a application. I used my first warning cursing out the my 10th grade teacher Mr. Chang.

It wasn't my fault no one could understand a fucking word his ass said. So I told him one day, "Could you please get a fucking English teacher, before you start teaching." He sent me to the office, and the principal gave me a warning. He eventually did get an English teacher so I actually did do a good thing. Grades in his class were never higher.

"Leave us alone." Chris interrupted.

We could see Amariae had a sense of sympathy in her face.

"Aww the little valedictorian wants to do something." Jennifer smiled, " You wouldn't want to ruin your Yale acceptance would you?"

"Come on you guys." Amariae said.

They were reluctant, buy she grabbed their arms. Brittany popped her gum again. Then they walked away.

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