*Chapter 10*

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"You know you fucking bitch!" I said.

"Well what the fuck are you going to do about it." Brittany smiled.

I stood against the locker. My chest heaved like a hyperventilation bag.

"Nothing." Brittany frowned, pitying me.

I filled me fist up with anger. I was about to beat the bitches ass. And Jennifer. Chris saw me. She grabbed my fist.

"It's not worth it." She said.

She yanked me by the arm to walk away. Her face was as angry as mine.

"Aww, she had to get someone to fight her battles for her." Brittany smiled.

Chris let go of my arm. I didn't even realized what happened until Brittany's face was against the locker.

"She doesn't need anyone to fight for her. But it'll be my pleasure!" Chris said.

The two's blonde hair mangled together in a swirl, spinning. Christina's fist pounded into Brittany's face like a wrecking ball.

Brittany grabbed Chris's hair and rolled on top of her. Chris's hands wrapped around her throat. The kids in the hall gathered in a big circle.

"Fight Fight!" They screamed.

The angry grunts and Bitch spitting words of the two blended in with the noise.

Then Chris regained control kicking Brittany in her stomach.

I ran over towards the two trying to break them up before a teacher came.

Jennifer stopped me because Brittany had started to punch Chris.

"I don't think so." She said.


I grabbed Jennifer by her hair and rammed her into the locker.

"Damn!" Someone called.

I repeatedly slammed it. My adrenaline ran a thousand miles am hour.

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed. I couldn't find any other logical thing to say.

It felt so good showing that bitch what I've felt like doing for years.

Chris stood up and was kicking Brittany. Then Mr. Smith came from nowhere. She grabbed Chris from behind. I dropped Jennifer's crying ass on the floor.

"Ms. Davidson!" He said.

He restrained her from kicking the helpless child anymore.

"Get off me!" Chris screamed.

Mr. Federspield grabbed my arms. He pulled me back from the situation.

"We're going to the office." He said.

I was already getting suspended so I let my anger vent out a little to much.

"That's why your wife doesn't fuck you, you prick!" I said to the annoying test giving teacher.

The two guided us through the hall.

"Go to class!" Mr. Smith said.

The halls slowly cleared. Hundreds of grinning and laughing faces past us. I looked over at Chris, who was a couple feet away from me. She smiled and shook her head. She had a black eye and a couple bruises, plus a bit of blood from her nose.

I looked back at the scene where it all happened. Jennifer laid on the floor still crying holding her head.

The new freshman Algebra teacher was helping Brittany up out of her little sweat, spit, and blood puddle her and Chris built. She looked a thousand times worse than Chris. Both her eyes were black, her throat was bruised, scratches were everywhere. She went through hell.

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