I was getting intimidated with the way Rafeial kept looking at me, "You don't have to, Miss Murdock."

"I want to, Rafeial. If I have a chance to save a life, why wouldn't I?"

"I don't want you to," Rafeial said, determined.

"Rafeial, don't waste your breath because I will not listen to you in this matter."

"Miss Murdock, Weston has moved his party to tonight as a precaution. Tonight is the party at the Cavanhangs and tomorrow is the commencement of your hunt by the Royals." His hand abandoned mine as he passed his fingers through his hair.

"Now why are the Royals hunting me down?" I gave out an irritating sigh.

"Your name and the name 'Slade' was used in the same sentence. That's enough motivation for the Royals to hunt you down." 

"I don't care, I'm going to the party." I set my foot down. If I could do this one thing right before I die, I'm definitely doing it.

"Miss Murdock-"

"I am not doing this for any of you or because I feel like I owe you lot something for saving me from Silas, " I interrupted him, "I'm doing this for Adanine and you should too."

"You cannot go to the party looking like this, " he gestured towards my seated figure.

"You should've thought about that before you were bought that sleeveless dress." I pointed my blame at him.

"I have something up my sleeves regarding that matter, " he informed, " but right now, I meant your hair."

"Hey!" My hand instantly went to my hair, taking offence to his words.

"It looks like a bird's nest." Rafeial strolled to the dresser, pulling open a drawer and taking out a comb and a pair of scissors.

"You're joking?" I opened and shut my mouth like a fish out of the water as he walked back towards me.

"Am I laughing?" Raffeial shot back, "and besides, I could not make it worse than it already is." He sounded confident.

"Do you even know how to cut hair?"

"I've been alive for centuries now, I think I know how to do a lot of things." Rafeial placed his finger underneath my chin, lifting it up slightly before walking to my side, "I won't shorten the length any further, " he assured as he smoothened the hair down with the comb, "I will only make it look more equal and maybe, with every strand that falls to the ground, it'll help lighten the burden you carry from the memories of Silas and his doings."

I hummed in response as the sound of scissors cutting through hair made its way to my ears and I shut my eyes, already feeling a sense of calm. A shiver raced down my spine as Rafeial's rough fingers delicately combed through my hair before trimming the ends.

Rafeial moved to the back and then the other side doing the same thing, brushing and cutting, and I was surprisingly able to keep my nerves in check with Rafeial being so close.

I felt him as he went to stand in front of me, his fingers curling into my hair as he ruffled the top and pulled at them lightly, "This suits you better, Miss Murdock." I peeled my eyes open at his words, only to find him already gazing right into me.

Circle Of Caim [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now