Chapter Twenty- Nine

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~later in time~

I glance over at my calendar. I've been here for a 6 months. Sir came back that night Matt called me desperate. He checked my wounds and I poured out everything that happened within that weekend. All he did was frown and say "You shouldn't have wanted to know more, because now, you'll never leave."

What did he mean "I'll never leave"? Wasn't that the way it was planned since I got here. I haven't talked to Sir much since then. Nothing more than the small talk you have with distant friends in your life. And for Matthew, I have no idea where we stand. I guess my feelings for him have slowly faded away. He went back to treating me like a dog. Since that night, things have changed back. I spend most of my time in my room while Matthew stays in the living room watching television. Sir leaves everyday at 4 p.m and comes home again at 10. That's the way it has gone for six months- or since that night.

I still cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for Matthew, myself and occasionally Sir. During those times where we eat, I sit in silence. When Sir eats with us, he asks how I am and what I've been up to. That's the time I talk and sometimes try to drag Matthew in the conversation. There has been times Matthew started the conversation, but they were to give demands. To tell me to do the chores or that I need to do more around the house. Even times when he says to stay active so I don't get fat.

Matthew avoids eye contact with me at all costs. Meanwhile, I long for it. I just want to know if I'll still have the same feeling I had six months ago. Today has been different, I made breakfast and Matthew said thank you. Sir, as always, started the conversation.

"So , Elizabeth. What have you been up to?"

He gave me that same look. The slight look of sorrow. Almost as if he's just as miserable as me, almost.

"The same stuff. I have been in my room. Lay around, cook, sometimes I write."

I probably shouldn't have mentioned that.

"Write what?"

"Well simple things. I don't want to forget how to read or write. Sometimes I'll write little stories. Sometimes just a reflection on my day or week. Just anything."

"That's nice. I've been so busy at the hospital, it's insane."

Matthew stands up and pushes his chair in. I noticed a little anger in the way he walked. As always, after eating, he goes straight to his room. I sigh and pick up all of our plates and bring them to the sink. Oh, I almost forgot to mention how the dishwasher broke . Of course, I was blamed and beat for that. So now I wash the dishes.

"You're a doctor, you want to help people. Why-"

"We've discussed this, Elizabeth. I want to help you, but I can't. Stop asking, it can't happen."

An awkward silence fills the room.

"I meant Matthew. Something is wrong with him."

"He's depressed. He has always had that problem, but he's fine. He can handle this just as he always has."

"Oh, okay."

I look to stove which has the time, it's 1:00.

"I'm going to a friends house until I have to work, so I'm leaving. I'll be back at-"

"10:00, I know."

"I worry for you..."

He walks to the front door and I hear the familiar sound of the squeaking door opening and then closing. The many locks click. Time for the dishes.

~~ three hours later~~~

I just finished the morning chores. Dishes, sweep everything, vacuum everything. I have time to relax and be by myself, which is my new favorite thing considering that's how it usually is. I hear a door open and I see Matt's face appear around the corner.

"I'll be back later."

I already know where he's going... At least two days a week he goes out and comes home drunk at like 12. He is gone for a whole day doing whatever he wants. Meanwhile, I haven't left this house since that night. I keep calling it "the night" because that's what it was. The night he wanted to get me pregnant and then called me desperate. The night he stopped looking at me. The night I became attached to that room I call mine.

He leaves the house and I hear the clicking of locks. So I'm home alone again. If all of the windows didn't have bars to make sure I could never get out, and the doors locked so I could never step foot outside, I'd be free. If I wasn't for everything, I'd be free.

I make my way to the kitchen, in search for food. Honestly, I'm not hungry, just bored. In realization, I exit the room and go back to the bling room. I remember the times I once prayed for an hour of relaxation. After being alone and bored for so long, it is something I couldn't bare. Something I once longed for is now just old. I lay on the very comfortable couch that I am far too familiar with. I turn the television on and flick through the channels. My most difficult challenge in life is finding something interesting to watch on this gosh darn thing!

After searching through every channel, I settle with a rerun of famous "Breaking Bad". I've watched every episode and it was once a favorite. So I'll just watch this episode again. After a short time of laying on the "oh-so" comfortable couch, my eyes gently close and I drift away. What feels like only seconds, my eyes flick open. I check the time and it's 8:48 p.m. Where is Matthew? I sit up and run my hands through my slick and greasy hair. So I guess a shower is due.


"I set fireeee to the rain, watched it burn as I touched your faceee".

What can I say? I'm alone and that's when I can do what I please. If that's singing like a fool, then so be it.

"My hands, their strong. But my knees were-"

I hear a loud knock crash against the bathroom door. Following behind the one, three more.


It's Matthew. His words slurred together, which gave away how drunk he is.

"It's not locked, I'll be out in a minute."

I hear the door slam open and loud footsteps come closer to the shower. The light curtains rip open and I do the best I can to cover my body.


"Don't talk to me like I'm just anybody!"

His hands are balled up into fists and waving around, so I back away.

"Get back over here!".

He grabs my wrist and jerks me closer to him which reveals my body.

"Matthew, please!"

He jerks me closer once more, and I crash against the hard floor. I can't breath, the air was pushed out of my body when I hit the floor. My eyes follow up Matt's body and I see his right hand still forming a fist.

I roll over trying to cover my face and stomach. Me being naked was the least of my problems. I feel his body drop on mine and he flips me back onto my back. His right fist comes straight to my face, which I attempted to block. I did indeed block the first hit, but before I could act again, there was another waiting. His fist connects against my right cheek, and I try to push him off. What I forgot is that he's way heavier than me and much much stronger.

He falls back a little and jumps back on top of me. The hits continued and I could feel my tender face bruising . My face slowly became numb, which I'm still not sure if is a good thing.

HEY GUYS ! I am sad to say it , but I do believe this book is coming to an end . Thank you all for the support ! This was my first story and I'll never forget the feelings I had when I saw I had at least 14 people reading . Please , find me on my dang ! I'm thinking of another story :3 I'm in the middle of another , so I'll probably finish that and then start writing my ideas ! I have a note full of them all , so I can't wait to turn it into a story to show everyone .

You guys are why I kept to this . I won't lie , I usually quit on things .. But I'm confident I'll keep writing , I've done it for so long !

As I said , this story is coming to an end . I might have another two or three chapters , but that's it . Please do check out my other story ! It is called "Am I wrong for this ?" .

Thank you guys for everything !

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