Chapter Twelve

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I wake up freezing and the silence is back. I blink hard trying to get a better view of the room I am in. The walls are white, maybe I'm back in my room. I squeeze my eyes shut again and this time when I open them, I see everything. It was not a white wall that I was seeing, but a white ceiling. I look to my right and see a cabinet that is shut and a little table they have in a dentists office. I look to my left and I see the door. It's shut, but might be unlocked. I jerk my wrists up and rope stops me. Same with my feet, I kicked them up and they jerked back down. I am stuck one of those tables that are in a doctors office. Why does this room look like an office?

I hear three random knocks on the door. The door swung open and exposed a evil devilish grin. It's Matt. He slowly made his way to the table and looked down on me with the same smile that always sends chills down my spine.

"Why did you have to do something so stupid, doll? Huh? Did you think I was stupid enough to not bring something to back me up? Now you're going to get it."

What is he going to do? Is he going to do... It? Oh gosh, or will it be worse. I need to get out of here somehow.

He began laughing.

"You can stop plotting your way out. You won't and if you magically do, then I can promise you will be in the worst pain your mind could imagine. I'm already punishing you."

... What is going on?

"You will be punished. You didn't listen, and therefore, you're in trouble. Now, how many rules did I give you?"

Crap, why can't I remember? You'd think that would be stuck in my mind I then see him pull something out of his pocket. My eyes grew wide to see a knife in his hand.

"Think harder, doll. Do you need a reminder?"

I nod my head. I honestly don't know..

"I hate to do it, but it's the way it has to be."

He grasps the knife harder until his knuckles are once again white and I feel the sharp knife against my stomach. He cuts my shirt from top to bottom to notice my braless body there defenseless. The cold metal tip lightly rubs from in between my chest down to my belly and the chills came back .

It slowly pressed harder and harder against the center of my stomach. The pain became uncontrollable and I can't hold in my screams. He is cutting into me while laughing and my eyes blur from my tears.



I'm sorry for the short chapter , I have been writing another story and I just have a lot going on . Ive never understood why people have such hard times updating until now . There's school in the way , homework to be done , daily chores and other family duties . So it's pretty hard to get in the perfect state of mind with everything being busy .

I will put this book before my other one . The other book is nice too though , so you should check it out . It's called "the long way home" . It's quite the transition between my two books though , so that's fun . I have this book , which I love writing . I also love the other , but I'll put this one first .

The other is more of a romance . It's about a girl who moves into another high school and makes new friends and finds a pretty cool dude . I'm excited to see where that takes me (: I love my progress so far though . I have almost 60 people reading and 4 votes . I don't know why I'm so happy about it . I guess it's awesome to know that I'm entertaining at least one person .

I love writing so it's cool you dudes are reading . You guys are reading my first actual story , so I guess you could say you get to witness me either making a fool of myself or starting off something amazing .

I love you few dudes . I think that's what I'll call my readers . I feel like I'm bragging by saying I have (blank) readers !! No , I have almost 70 cool dudes . Then 4 cool dudes voted on my book . That's pretty awesome (;

I love you dudes , so take it easy . Keep reading ! I'm pretty confident this story will be top dog !

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