Chapter Four

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     I had my plan and thoughts together. I'm ready to make my move. I slammed my foot against the walls of the trunk over and over again. Once, twice, three times. I kicked so many times, I lost count. The car came to a stop.

     This is it. The moment of truth. My heart stopped and everything went silent. I could hear foot steps breaking through what sounded like sticks. I began screaming as loud as I can. Now that it is silent, maybe someone can hear me in the distance. I heard the clicking of the trunk and it swung open.

      There stood a young man. Looked a little older than me, but not by much. He has long black hair that swung in his pale face. He's wearing a dark hoodie and jeans, he must be the guy from earlier. He looked pretty calm for a kidnapper.

     "You're lucky we're already here. But you really did give me a headache with all that kicking, so try to stay on our good side, oka-"

      I kicked my foot as hard as I could again his stomach and watched him fall. I jumped up and because my arms are restricted, I fell to the ground also. I landed beside him and stood up to see him out of breath. He grabbed my foot, so I slammed my foot against his collar bone. He fell back down, and I took my chance to run. I began sprinting and scanning my surroundings. I am in a forest where there are so many trees, I couldn't see an ending to this forest. It isn't dark, but it seems to be getting there. I brush past the trees curious to what the man behind me is doing. Is he still following me? Do I have a chance to get away?

     Then I let my curiosity win and I look back. He's no longer there. I turn back around and suddenly crash into a tall man. Oh no... I fall to the ground and look up at the mysterious man. He is not the man from before, but I surely recognize the face. It's the one that stares at me from his porch, Mr. Henderson. It's my creepy neighbor. He looks down at me smiling, exposing his dirty yellow teeth- well at least the few that are left. I jumped up and turned around already sprinting when I bump into another body.

     I really need to watch what I am doing.

     It's the same young man from before. He grabs my arm, cutting the circulation off. His face still read the same confident look. As if he knew I would attempt this, and knew I would fail. His fist connected against my cheek as I fell straight to the ground. My face was stinging and he bent down by me and kept punching my face. The more the hits came, the more I went numb. The hits were countless, and I took it. I am far too scared to fight back, so I let it happen. Finally, the hits ended and everything was fading out. He stood up with even more confidence than before. I hear the older man speak.

     "Get her up and get her in the trunk. The cabins a few minutes away. This time tie her legs and arms."

     He picks me up and I see the car come closer and closer with each blink I take until everything goes black.


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