Chapter Twenty- Three

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His lips slammed against hers and my heart shattered. I feel sick to my stomach and anger flood through me. But the anger quickly turned into sadness. This is the second time in one month that my heart has broke. I froze completely and I feel like minutes have passed. He's still kissing her and with every second I am dying more inside. His hands are on her butt while hers are on his hard chest. After what seems like forever, their lips slowly pull away. He bites her lip and she smiles gently.

He leans in again and I see him whispering. She smiles ear to ear and looks at me. He walks towards me and grabs my hand to pull me up. I jerk my hand away and stand up myself. He gives my a confused look like he is unaware of what he just did. With all my strength, I throw my hand back and it connects against his face. His head jerks to the side and a smile appears on his face. I turn around and fast walk out of the building. I start to run down the side walk and I see a gas station. This is my chance. I look back and I see him chasing behind me. I am dizzy and I trip over what might just be nothing. Why am I feeling this way? I can't walk or move anything. I lay stiff on the ground.

Everything is getting dark and my eyes are closing.

"You'll pay for this."

Everything fades out and becomes dark.

My eyes open and everything is blurry. I am freezing and sitting in a cold chair. Something's not right... I look down to see my body naked. I try to scream but duct tape has my mouth stuck. I look ahead and it is just a wall. Where am I?

I hear quiet laughter.

"Matt, get me out of here! Now!"

"Oh, doll. Just wait."

I felt hands on my shoulders and I turned my head to see him. He walked to the front of the chair. His hands entangled in my hair as his lips pushed against mine. I try to pull away but my head can only go so far back. My hands and feet are tied to this damn chair! His tongue traced my lips slowly and I couldn't help but want it. My body is betraying me once again. He stopped and I heard more laughing. But this laugh sounds familiar...

Oh no...



Hey guys , I am so tired . So I am sorry if this chapter sucks .

But who do you think is in the back laughing ? Could it be that nasty waitress ? Or maybe it's her cheating boyfriend ? Or maybeeeeeee it's just someone new ?

Guys , leave some comments on who you think it is !

I love you dudes , keep reading !

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