Chapter Thirteen

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The knife cuts deeper and the pain is agonizing. I can't stop screaming, the pain is indescribable. I cannot explain this feel in other than pain. I just need him to stop. The pressure is gone and I open my eyes to see Matt standing above me with the same knife, except this one is coated with red... That's my blood. The tears kept coming but the breathes were long gone.

"I love your sweet screams. They tear through me, as I tear through you."

He chuckles.

"And the first rule is that you call me Matt and you call my uncle "sir". You get to see the masterpiece after i am done."

I am still whimpering and I look down to see blood everywhere. Matt puts the knife back on my stomach, but this time farther to my left.

"What's the next rule, doll?"

"I cook for you . Please stop... I'm going to die. Please, I'll do anything."

He looks down on me and brings his face closer to mine. He bursted out in laughter. The knife comes to my face and he wipes the fresh blood against my cheek.

"Please, stop. I'll do anything. If you let me go, I won't tell anyone."

I sound like the typical victim. I am begging to be set free. If I made it out of here, I honestly would tell the police. Who wouldn't !?

"What is the third?"

The smile he once had was gone as he brought the knife to my stomach again. The third rule was... Oh no, what is it?

"It's... I have to do everything you ask."

Relief pushed through me, but I can't remember the other rules...

"You do anything and everything I say? But I told you to keep quiet and just shop with me. You told on me? Doesn't that deserve a punishment?"

"I'll never do it again, I swear. Just let me go. Please, I'm begging you."

He started smiling again , but this time it looked more innocent . Too innocent to be Matt .

"Ahh, don't worry. There is a lot of pain coming your way. You barely remembered that rule, I'm sure you forgot the rest."

He wasn't wrong. I forgot everything else. I am aware of what's to come.

"Fourth rule?"

He knows I don't know. This is all for his amusement. He just wants to drag this along and make it harder on us both. I feel light headed and sick.

"You already know I forgot... Please... Don't hurt me. I won't forget again, I promise."

The tears came faster and harder. I am begging through tears that make it hard to know what I am even saying. He pressed the knife against my stomach again and the begging continued.

"No please, stop. I'm sorry, I'll be good. I'll never do it again. Please.. Please."

He smiled and brought his face to mine again.

"Scream for me again."

The knife pushed deep into my stomach again and cut through my skin as I scream out in agony.

He started laughing and bit his lip .

"So you don't know the rest?"

I couldn't stop crying out for help. I kept screaming and crying as everything was turning to a blur.

"I'll say it out loud and I'll find another way to punish you. I'm pretty sure you will bleed out soon and I don't need another to die... Like this."

His smile formed ear to ear as I cried while I felt the blood leave my body. This is the worst pain I have ever felt. Everything began spinning and went to blur that slowly got darker and darker. The last thing I see is the smile of evil as I pass out.

You'll Be MineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon