Chapter Seven

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     After slaving over the stove to make breakfast for us, I called him into the room.

     "Matt, breakfast is ready."

     He entered the room immediately. He scanned the room and at the food.

     "Looks good. After food, clean up in here. I have to run to a store. When I come back, you better be done and ready for me. You know what that means."

     A smile stretched across his face. From ear to ear. I can't believe he expects that... I'm still a virgin.. I'm not ready for this. I can't lose that to him, it has to be Natha- ... I mean the guy I love. Well it can't be him. When he leaves, I'll look around. If I can get a weapon of some sort or maybe just a window I can get out of... I have hope.

     He picked up his fork and began eating. I am not hungry at all. I dazed off staring at the table.

     "You might want to eat, very rude."

     I snapped my head up and looked at him.

     "Eat. Now."

     Feeling threatened, I picked up my fork and ate some eggs.

     It wasn't long before the meal was over. He stood up and put the dishes in the overflowing sink. I have to clean his mess.

     "It was good. Get cleaning. I'll be back in an hour. Chores better be done and up better be ready."

     He looked angry and very serious. Chills ran through me as I nod my head. He stood up and walked to the front door.

    "Can't wait to get my hands on you, doll."

    The door slammed immediately after he said that. Maybe he will get in a car accident... or arrested... Just wishful thinking. I should just get the dishes done.

     Thank gosh he has a dish washer. I filled it up and hit the button to start it. I got a rag and began wiping every counter down really good. I saw a broom in the corner and swept the dirty floor. It didn't take long for the room to become clean. I look at the clock hanging on the wall. He should be home in 20 minutes. I guess time flies, because it's 10:43 a.m.

     I walk out of the room and into the living room. Well there's a huge window, but it stays closed. I see a small window and I ran to it. Well that has bars behind it. Ugh. I can either check upstairs or the hallway I saw when coming down here. I'm going with the other hall first. I ran into the hall where there is three rooms. I see the bathroom at the very end which weirdly has no windows. I darted to the other two doors and of course, they are locked. Upstairs is just my room.

     So I'm stuck. No way out. Wait, phones! He has to have one. I ran into the living room and I check everywhere. Nothing. Maybe he sticks with cell phones. Where could mine be?

     I suddenly hear the door clicking. He's home already..  I'm still not ready! I ran to the stairs and sat at the top. I stay silent.

     "Where are you my doll. I had to deal with those idiots to get you some food. Show some appreciation."

     I hold my breath feeling if I take one breath, he'll hear me. I hear steps come closer to the steps. His head peeks around the side and looks at me.

     "Oh there you are, doll. Come down here, I promise you'll love the surprise."

     I stand up trying my best to not piss him off. I might get it easy. I start walking down the steps.

     "Well you didn't follow the rule, doll. Your clothes are on. I'll make this easier. You can keep your shirt and underwear on. That's it, nothing else. But expect a little punishment. Get in the bathroom and get ready. Meet me in my room after."

     I went to the bathroom and stared into the mirror. Please, god if you're there, help me. Tears began pouring down my face. I can't do this. This isn't the way I'm losing it. It's too much to handle.

     I strip down. My clothes fall to the floor along with my dignity. My tears are burning my face. I wish I was ugly. I wish I could leave this body. I wish he never wanted me. I wish this could all go away. I am wearing my black boy shorts and a long white tee shirt that ends at my underwear.

     I open the bathroom door and I feel disgusted knowing this guy is two doors down.

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