Chapter Nine

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This is another chapter that's sexual , so move ahead if you don't want to read it and ruin your innocent beautiful minds


His lips pushed hard against mine and I couldn't pull away. His fingers were caressing my cheek. His hand moved down my face until it reached my neck and kept going till it was at my chest. I wish I didn't have a d cup... I'm wearing a shirt, but no bra... His hand rubbed against my chest and I arch my back. He stopped kissing me and the look in his eyes read desire. He started kissing my neck and something wasn't right... I felt... Weird.. HE CAN'T MAKE ME FEEL THIS WAY!

"Stop... please."

I was breathing heavy and I tried everything to hold back these feelings... I can't be feeling this way. Not from him. He stopped and lightly bit my neck and the feeling I had just got worse. I couldn't hold it back anymore. He bit again and a moan slipped out of my mouth.

Oh no... He stopped and looked me in the eyes and a smile formed on his face. I then feel his hand pulling my shirt up and the shirt goes up to my neck. My bare chest is out and I feel his hands lightly brushing against my nipples. My breathing got patchy. Then I feel something wet against it... It's his tongue against me. I have chills run up my spine and my back arches. I felt like I was going to explode!

"Please... Matt stop..."

"Tell me how good I'm making you feel. "

"Matt, you're making me feel good. But please... stop."

He smiled at me and started rubbing my chest again.

"If it feels so good, why would you want me to stop? Just sit back and enjoy, doll. You're not losing it today."

Relief filled me. Thank gosh I'm not losing my virginity today... Well I don't know what to feel right now. He kept rubbing on me and his lips kept pecking my neck. My breathing got heavier and heavier. Then he stopped kissing and rubbing. But his hand lowered down my stomach and it reached my area... He rubbed against the entrance and I couldn't help it... All of this is overwhelming. I let out a huge moan and he kept rubbing faster and faster. He stopped randomly and I finally could catch my breath to its normal pace.

"Let's see if you can handle my friend now."

He uncuffed my hands and grabbed my hair and pulled me to the floor. Once my knees hit the floor, he cuffed them behind my back. I saw him drop his jeans exposing his black boxer briefs. He pulled them down and I saw his... thing.. It's really big.. I can't do this.

He grabbed my hair pulling me to his friend and slapped my cheek.

"Open your pretty little mouth."

"But... Matt."


My mouth opens enough to breath and he pushes it down my throat. I instantly begin gagging and running out of breath. It's only half way there and I can't breath and I feel like passing out. He pushed it further and further in and I screamed through the gaps. I pushed my head back and he thrusted it deeper in my throat. I feel like I'm going to throw up when he stopped threw my head back and I fell over.

My back crashes against the floor and I am catching my breath. Raggedy breathes fill the room and tears poured down my face.

"Oh, doll. You aren't so good with your mouth. Seems you can't handle it. I'll find other uses for you. Get up and get ready. I'm taking you shopping for clothes. I do have my rules, and I'll explain them in the car. Don't feel too excited, you're not going home anytime soon."

I couldn't respond. My throat is in pain again and I just feel light headed. I try to stand up on my two feet, and I couldn't get a good step. Matt walked past me as I try my hardest to balance myself. He chuckles before he left the room and everything slowly went to a blur. I regain my sight and finally stand up. My feet drag along and I make it to the steps. I walk up the steps like a dog- I mean, I'm already almost there. I am in the middle of slave and pet. So I suppose I play the part fine considering I am currently walking like a dog up the stairs.

I make it to the top already out of breath. Why am I so out of energy? I fast walked to my room and closed it behind me. I need clothes. Like right now. Sitting here nude is making everything worse. I look around on search of something to wear, but nothing is in sight. I hear foot steps to the stairs and I am panicking. I look around again and the foot steps come closer and I jump under my covers.

Two loud knocks sound the room like sirens as he barges in. He tosses random articles of clothing at me.

"Get dressed and be down stairs. You have 10 minutes or I'll punish you."

Fear pushes through me and I pick up the first thing out of the pile. By the looks of it, this is good clothing. I put my bra on and search through the pile of clothes and find a white t-shirt. I toss it over my head and it smells like him. That's a smell I wish I didn't know of. It's very baggy and I see a pair of jeans. The look unfamiliar, and I know they're not mine. I scan the tag, and luckily it's my size. Why does he have pants my size here? I see a pair of boxer briefs and squeeze my butt into them. Well... maybe they fit weird on me. I put the pants on next and they fit perfectly. I walk out and down the steps to be welcomed with the sight of Matt standing by the door looking very impatient.

"Your hair is a mess, put it up and let's go. I'm not leaving this house with you while you look like that."

I fast walk to the bathroom doing my best to stay on his good side. Coincidentally, I see a pony tail laying on the sink. I toss my hair up exposing my face. Ouch. I have horrrible bags under my eyes. My lip is busted pretty bad and it looks like I have been crying non-stop for days. I look through the sink drawers.

Thank gosh he has make up in here... Wait. Why does he have makeup in here? Why does he have a hair tie in here? Why does he have these things here? Who was here before me? What happened to her? Who is her? Those are questions I'm unable to ask yet.

I put a little foundation on my face to mask my horrible flaws and injuries. I take one last look into the mirror to see a very unhappy looking girl staring back. Tears start forming and I stop myself almost immediately. I turn away walking into the living room and Matt seems even angrier than before. I wonder why he is in such a hurry.

"Well let's go and be done with it! How much time do you need to get ready, God dammit!"

He pulls his hand back ready to connect with my face and I flinch. He then stops, drops his hands and begins laughing hysterically...

"Get in the dang car, doll."

Still laughing, he opens the door and we exit to the car.

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