Chapter |12| Waking Up In Strange Places

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"Oh my god. We had sex!" I screamed in horror and panic starts to set in.

18 years of celibacy. 18 years of being called a prude and rejecting guys, even when I like them. 18 years of torture just so that I could lose everything to a guy I barely know.

My first kiss, losing my virginity, my first time being touched by a man and I don't even remember any of it.

Wow, here come the waterworks.

"Hey, hey. It's alright." He says trying to soothe me. He wraps his arms around and I rest my head on his smooth bare chest.

"Why are you crying?" I look up at him with tear filled eyes and sigh.

"I lost my virginity and I don't even remember it. My virginity lost. My first kiss lost." His eyes widen and he pulls back a little.

"You've never had a kiss before." I shake my head whilst blushing. I mean, it's kind of embarrassing for a woman of my age to never have kissed anyone.

"Why not?" He asks gently whilst tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"I wanted to save it for someone special. I wanted it to magic and memorable. Not with someone I barely know." Ouch.

I knew I hit a nerve with that but it serves him right for taking away something so precious to me when I was clearly in not the right state for it.

"We didn't."

"What?" I asked in complete confusion.

"We didn't have sex. We rescued you and Kira from that horrible room and took you back to the house. Then, when I was taking you to your room you told me that you didn't want me to leave you. I didn't really feel comfortable sleeping in your bed with you and plus I had to change you out of those dirty clothes, so I took you to mine. I changed you into my shirt and I swear I closed my eyes. Then I set up a bed for me on the couch but you insisted that I sleep with you. You said that you were scared the scary man was going to take you again so I slept next to you, but that was it. Sleeping, and a little spooning. You're quite the little cuddler when you're asleep. I'm fact, I was the little spoon." He said with a mischievous glint in his eyes and my face turned bright red when I saw the blankets and pillows on the sofa.

I can't believe I practically forced him to sleep with me and even spooned him. God I'm so embarrassed, and that also means that I told him I've never kissed anyone for nothing.

"You know, we could fix you barely knowing me. I would like to get to you better too." He said genuinely and he grabbed my hand and started to play with my fingers.

I smiled. Maybe we can have a future together?

That thought was cut short though by loud incessant knocking on the door. Ryder groaned and then unwillingly pulled himself away from me and walked over to the door.

"Thank god! What the hell Ryder? Is she okay? Gabi, what the fuck are you alright? How are you feeling? Bitch I was so worried!" Kira blurted out so fast that I barely had time to register what she saying.

She brought me in for a tight hug and I laughed, before hugging her back. She pulled back and did a quick look over my body to check for any injuries.

Once she was satisfied I wasn't hurt, she slapped me. Like not a really hard slap but it hurt quite a bit.

"Kira, what the hell?" I asked gaping at her in shock, whilst holding my cheek that was now throbbing in pain.

"You know how worried I was? The first thing I did once I woke up in my room was try and find you. I went to your room, you weren't there. I went to the kitchen, you weren't there. I went to the living room, you weren't there. I called Antonio, he didn't know where you were. I called my dad, he didn't know where you were. So I finally decided that it was urgent and to tell my brother, who I assumed was alone, that his fiancé was missing. Only to find him here with you, who's wearing nothing but his shirt. Look, I don't care if you slept with my brother. You're his fiancé, I expect it but not when we just returned home from being drugged and kidnapped." I was honestly more embarrassed than anything after she finally finished her speech but I was quite touched that she went to all them lengths to find me.

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑻𝒐 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒂Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora