𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟾:𝙴𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝.

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Jircniv's POV;
I watched the swift takedown of the one of the strongest people I knew, in less than 7 minutes, I watched this small slave girl bring Leinas down to her knees. Watched her beat a Knight down to the edge of death, and not break a single bead of sweat. This same girl is looking at me like the most innocent little girl, as if the blood dripping down her cheeks was merely water. Like what she achieved whilst severely under armoured was a small achievement, Leinas was by no means small or petite in terms of figure, but this girl who Leinas should have easily overpowered, defeated her without a single scratch. She didn't even need to resort to magic, much less use her blade. She had severely damaged an Imperial Knight, completely ignoring the various magic items and adamantite armour, without even batting an eyelid. Its true that when Leinas had reported to me and Baziwood that she wanted it test the new girl out, we had told her to abandon most of her magic items to level the playing field, but it would seem that that was a completely unnecessary handicap. If anything, we should have equipped Leinas even more then the usual standard Knight gear.

She can be useful to the prosperity of this Empire, a common slave given to me as a reparation gift might just be the best thing I have ever received in all my life. "Kia B. Fiora is the winner!" I turned to look at Baziwood who had announced that after much hesitation and shock. The girl in a simple maid outfit did a small graceful bow at the announcement, smiling like a little noble girl who had just gotten her favourite candy. A small gentle smile.

I wasn't going to lie to myself, this girl would be very useful if I keep her close to me. I wasn't going to lie either, that she is strangely magnetic, something about her is just so alluring and attractive. Call it a spell or hex, but I have a strong urge to keep her close to me. Not just for the Empire's betterment and because she is useful, but because I just want to see her and hear her voice often.

The maids and healers were crowding the fallen Knight, heaving her upwards and carrying her away to the infirmary after casting a light healing spell first.

Drakiania's POV;
The same maid, with the fiery red hair, who used to be of a higher standing was called upon to lead me to my new living quarters. More maids had rushed to clean the blood off my face and lead me off to another room. Unlike the first room I was placed in which was located on the first floor, this room was significantly larger, with a small balcony and was located on the second highest floor. The moment the maids left the room and the door clicked closed behind them, I let out the largest breath that I didn't even know I was holding on to.

I glared at the ensemble that was placed on the bed and vanity, just what did they expect me to do with all these things? I could deal with the new light armour, I knew how to equip my own armour properly but the accessories I could not. What is this guy's obsession with girls wearing hair accessories?

The accessories placed in front of me were finely crafted to resemble silver slim tree branches, one of them had leaves and flowers, blended and moulded to form a sphere like shape. Long and slender chains holding fan shaped beads at the end of them hung off of the middle of the sphere. Another one was modelled after almost like that of a short sword, with a sole flower decorated by crimson beads in the center of it, multiple slender chains that held butterflies at the ends was attached to the flower and its surrounding branches. The last was a tangle of things with flowers and butterflies attached to the branches, the biggest by far. Hanging off its branches were a multitude of chains segregated by crimson beads into equal spacings down to the end where a silver bell hung.

"Solution, are you there?" I stared at the silver contraptions on the vanity with a blank face, I was not trained for this. I was supposed to be under cover, a low profile, why am I being told to wear these things? "Yes My Lady, how may I be of assistance?"

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