𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 5:𝚆𝚒𝚜𝚎 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙾𝚏 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝.

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Drakiania's POV;
We had arrived in Carne village, along the way I had completely tuned out their conversation. But one thing caught my complete attention, the mentions of dragons. I had learned a few days ago that summons don't disappear anymore, they don't seem to have a timer. It made perfect sense, since this is technically the real world now, something wouldn't just cease to exist for no reason. That means I can raise an entire army of dragons. That would make Nazarick even more unstoppable.

Ninya had mention a dragon that could cause natural disasters and Azerlisia Mountain where frost dragons lived. I turned to look at Ains, the look in my eyes were a dead giveaway to what I was thinking; I wanted those dragons as pets and also for Nazarick's defences. The twins will have so much fun with more dragons around and maybe the youngling will finally mature enough to the point where the mind link can be established and be strong enough to not break at the slightest interference.

As I thought, Ninya was useless when it came to information, not even knowing the name of the dragon who could create disasters. Come to think of it, maybe I could finally use that summon I always wanted. Now that summons don't expire, I can use it without repercussions! Umu, I'll have to speak with the twins and Demiurge about how this will play out. And maybe Cocytus will finally have a sparring partner.

"Not bad." I nodded in agreement, Naberal seemed doubtful and Ains went onto to explain more. "Just ten days ago, they have never held a weapon much less a bow before. But now they are trying their best to make sure they never have to lose anyone else again." Naberal once again apologises for not thinking things thoroughly as I pat her shoulder, signalling that it was fine. The scenery in Crane village was peaceful, goblins and humans working side by side was indeed odd, but that was how it is.

"KIANIA-SAN!!" We all turned our head to meet the commotion maker. It was Nfirea. "What's the matter than you have called out Kiania so loudly?" Catching his breath he spoke, "Kiania-san are you Lady Drakiania Fell? And are Momon-san and Nabe-san both your servants too?" I was speechless... how did he find out? And how did he come to the conclusion that Ains was my servant?

Ains looked away and Nabe went on guard, turns out the boy just wanted to thank us for helping save the village. I took the liberty of cutting him off while he was thanking us for saving that girl, Enri. "Ah, it is true that Nabe is my servant but, Momon-san is my equal, if not sometimes my superior." He looked puzzled, "Then who is Ains Ooal Gown? Is that the name of the place from which you came from?" I choked on my spit, laughing sheepishly, "Umm, Ains Ooal Gown is not the place we come from --" "It is my true name." At this point we had both given up on concealing anything from this boy. He looked pretty embarrassed at his mistake and apologised before thanking us again.

He then swore that he would never expose our true names before revealing the reason for requesting us: to get to the person who had the red potion. He wanted the knowledge on how to make it. Ains then asked what he was going to do should he learn how to make these red potions and deemed him harmless.

After he left, Naberal declared that she would pay for mentioning Sebas, seeing as that is how Nfirea found out that we were not who we said we were. Seeing her draw the blade, I held the blade, preventing it from even coming close to her neck. I pried it from her grasp and sheathed it for her again. "Enough! Everyone makes mistakes. Just don't repeat it the next time." I nodded in agreement to what Ains said. "We forgive all your mistakes, Naberal Gamma."

You have got to be kidding me... THIS is The famed Wise King of the Forest? It's just a freaking hamster with an oversized tail. And he looks so fat to boot. I looked over at Ains, he was butting the tip of his blade against the ground in annoyance and disappointment. I sighed, sharing the same sentiment. I though he would at least look a little like Fenn, Aura's pet. More sleek and have a more narrow face, one that actually screams danger, not an overgrown Hamuske the hamster.

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