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I rushed down the stairs, racing against time to get to the dining hall for breakfast. Hopefully Hermione wasn't there already by some unknown force.

My shoes clicked against the marble, filling the noisy hallway with an echoed clicking noise.

I slowed down as I spotted the familiar platinum blonde hair stand up from the crowd.

I couldn't look at him without thinking about last night. I could still feel his hand trying to cup my cheek.

I turned away, storming into the hall, sitting down as soon as I saw the three talking.

"If you don't believe me, ask Y/n!" Hermione said, looking at me. I frowned, not really being in the mood to repeat the story again.

"Hermione, please. I'm not in the mood." I rested my head on my hand, feeling suddenly exhausted.

"I- I believe it." Ron nodded. "What Malfoy did was-"

"Good morning, everyone!" Dumbledore announced. Our heads jerked over to the podium to see Dumbledore waiting patiently as the students quieted down. He started to speak again as they did so.

After a few minutes, everyone started eating. I reached for a bit of food.

But my hand was suddenly grabbed, causing me to let out a surprised yelp.

"Is it true that you kissed Malfoy?" The person who grabbed me asked. I furrowed my brows.

"What?" I asked, rubbing my arm. The student next to them turned their attention to his statement.

"Yeah, Crabbe went around the school talkin' 'bout Draco sucking face with you while everyone was asleep." They stuffed their face as they spoke, making it almost inaudible.

I looked back at Hermione, Harry and Ron, putting on a fake smile as my blood boiled, the same way as a few nights ago. "Did you know this?" I looked back at the three. They looked down, ignoring me.

That's it.

I got up, clenching my fists as I made my way over to the Slytherin table. I walked up behind Malfoy as he ate, raising my brow and tapping my foot on the floor impatiently.

The boy in front of him pointed at me, nudging the person beside him.
It was enough to grab Malfoy's attention, making him turn around.

He had a smile on his face when he saw me.
"Hey, Y/n-"

"Get up." I commanded. He looked around in confusion.


"Get. Up. Now." I grit my teeth as hard as I could. It felt as if I could break my jaw if I kept going.
Malfoy slowly got up, putting his hand in his pockets.

"Maybe we should go..." I heard Hermione suggest from behind me, getting up from her seat.

"Not now. I have to talk with Mr. Malfoy here first." I replied, crossing my arms. Malfoy stared at me, wearing a blank face. The whole hall went silent.

"What gave you the idea to go about telling the school that we kissed? Are you really that desperate for attention, you git?" I pointed, my face turning red from the pent up anger. He watched as his mouth opened slightly from shock.

"Well maybe if you could take a joke-"

I slapped him across the face, causing him to step back and hit the table. He covered his cheek with his hand, groaning in pain. I couldn't bare to listen to anymore of his stupid excuses.


I froze as the booming voice of Snape echoed through the hall. I took a step back, turning over to where Snape was standing. He strode down the steps, his eyebrows sat right above his eyes as he frowned feircly.

My heart nearly stopped, but the butterflies in my stomach booted it up again, causing me to take in a deep breath.

"You two. Outside. Now." He grabbed Malfoy off of the table as he grabbed the back of my robe, dragging us along.

"Let me go! It isn't my fault!" Draco pleaded, reaching for Snape's fist. I rolled my eyes as I heard his quivering voice.

Snape let go of us, pushing us onto the floor. I caught myself, but Draco face planted, letting out another groan of pain.

"You two. Again. How many times will I have to tend to you two like children? Don't you have any common sense left in those empty, dead brains of yours?" He scolded. I kept my eyes on the ground, avoiding eye contact with both of them.

"I'm sor-"

"I'm not done, Malfoy." Snape hissed through his clenched teeth. I flinched as he did so along with Malfoy.
"Detention. After classes. 5:00. Sharp. Any later and I'll make sure you'll never miss anything again in your lives." He took a step forwards me, lifting my chin up with his finger.
"Look at me as I speak to you, L/n. You're being highly disrespectful today."

He drew back his hand as he turned off down the hall, his cape flowing as he took a stride.

My cheeks started to burn. I was blushing.

And this was bad. Draco would see and make up another rumor, ending up in another slap, and then Snape will-

"Sorry." Malfoy muttered. I looked over.

"If you were sorry you wouldn't of made that stupid rumor." I shook my head, running off towards the stairs up to my dorm.

My eyes started to fill up with tears, burning my eyes.

I let them flow down my cheeks as I ran, letting in some sniffs now and then.

I wish I never came here.
I wish I was at home.


I want to go home.

Professor ║Severus Snape x Reader║Where stories live. Discover now