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I bursted into the dormitory, Hermione turned her attention towards me, putting her book down with a puzzled look on her face.

"Where were you?" She asked, getting up. I dropped my bag off by my bed.

"Snapes Detention." I sat on my bed, still in shock from what happened. A million thoughts and questions ran through my head like a record player on repeat. Hermione seemed to notice.

"Why are you so red?" She leaned in, inspecting my face. I pulled away.

"Don't!" I put my hands up. "Just... Don't." She tilted her head.

"Something happened." A smile spread onto her face as I crossed my arms and looked around the room.
It took a while for me to start.

"Okay. So, I was running to Snape's detention when, surprise, Draco was coming with me too!" Hermione's eyes widened.

"Alright, tell me more!" She adjusted her seating. I took a deep breath before continuing.

"So we go in, Snape gives us a lesson and he gives us TONS of work. Like, even Draco couldn't finish it." I stopped, thinking about what I said.

"I mean he never finishes his work." Hermione pointed out. I nodded.

"Yeah, I got that wrong." I muttered. "Anyways! I finish first, and Snape excuses Draco. I walk out into the hall and there Draco is, scaring me to death and making me fall over. I get up and he's starting to act... Weird. So I ask him if he's alright and he LEANS IN!" I exaggerated the last part, leaning in. Hermione covered her mouth.

"Oh. My. Gods." She whispered. "A Slytherin? Trying to kiss a Gryffindor?" I nodded in disbelief.

"I know! Oh Merlin, I can't do this..." I put a hand on my forehead, crashing back onto my bed. Hermione got up, going over to her bed.

"We should tell the boys tomorrow as soon as possible. They NEED to know." She lost track as Sonata jumped onto her bed, begging for pets.

"I might as well move away into the mountains and never show my face again..." I quickly crawled under my covers, pulling the blanket over my head.

I felt Sonata jump onto my bed after getting enough attention from Hermione, curling up next to my pillow.

"Maybe he was tired? I mean, people do weird things when they're tired." She reasoned.

"Hmph. Maybe." I closed my eyes, trying to clear my mind.

This was not good. Word will spread around the school, Snape will probably catch it, report it to the professors and then there'll be more detention for something stupid like 'attempted house rule breaking'.

I sighed.

I should've skipped this year. Maybe I should just turn to being a muggle and work some muggle job like... What was it called again? A 'fast food worker'? They seem to have fun.

Ugh. So much stuff is going on and the year hasn't even started.


A knock came from the door, awaking me. I looked around the dorm. The moon shone through the window, falling into the carpet. No one else was awake, or even aware of the knocking.

I got up, grabbing my wand from my pile of clothes. I knew that I wasn't allowed to attack people on Hogwarts grounds, but this was probably some psycho from Slytherin trying to prey on some girls.

I stopped as I realized that I was still in my uniform. I shook it off. I needed to focus on the potential intruder at the door.

I readied my wand as I opened the door. It was suddenly pushed open, the unknown person on the other side dragging me out. I tried to scream, but they put their hand over my mouth.

I managed to get out of their grip and slap their hand off.

"Lumos." I heard a familiar voice whisper. A sudden light source came from the tip of a wand. I rolled my eyes as I saw who it was.

"Malfoy, stop!" I said, trying to grab his wand. He quickly brought his arm up, dangling the wand in the air. I crossed my arms.

"Y/n I just wanted to-"

"I know what you're here for." I weakend my grip on my wand, leaning against the wall. Draco sighed, looking at the floor.

"Sorry." He muttered.

I got silent. I didn't know what else to say. Do I apologize? Do I punch him? I don't know anymore.

"We'll talk in the morning." I turned off to the door, opening it. I didn't dare to take another look at him. He weirded me out.

"Hold on!"

"What? Wanna try kissing me again?" I crossed my arms as I turned around.
He narrowed his eyes.

"Don't tell anyone about this." Malfoy took a step forward, bringing his wand down to his side. I stared at him nervously.
"Or I'll tell everyone about how you feel about Snape."

My eyes widened. I felt my body freeze up.

"How do you know?" I whispered harshly. Draco's brows furrowed.

"You should keep a look out for your books, L/n. You're lucky that I stopped anyone else from reading it after one page." He smirked with his usual idiotic smirk. I gritted my teeth.

"One page? You let them read ONE page? Oh, I'm going to KILL you!"

He ran off as I brought out my wand.
I watched as Draco disappeared down the stairs, filling the empty hallway with laughter.

"What a toad." I grunted in an almost whisper.

I turned off back to the dorm, heading to my bed for a well deserved rest.

A really well deserved rest.
One where I can think about ways to kill Draco and get away with it.

I'm kidding.
Or am I?

Professor ║Severus Snape x Reader║Where stories live. Discover now