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"Class is dismissed."

I jumped out of my chair, grabbing my bag and running out of my last class of the day. I took Snape's threat seriously, and I didn't want to be on time for the rest of my life as he said.

I ran as fast as I could down the hall, beating the crowds of people as they flooded from their classes.

I finally made it to Snape's class after a few minutes, surprisingly.
I was so early that he hadn't even dismissed his class yet. I leaned up against the wall next to the door as I waited, fumbling with my fingers.

I heard running come from my right. I looked over to see Malfoy tripping and running his way over, almost dropping his unpacked books.

I looked away, adjusting my bag.
"Take it slow, Malfoy. His class isn't dismissed yet." I said.

As soon as I said that, the door was swung open with students flooding out, pushing me around as I struggled myself into the room.

Draco stepped in behind me, fixing his robe from being squished in the crowd.

"Sit." Snape pointed his wand at two chairs, making them skid out from underneath the table. I took a shaky breath.

"Thank you, professor." I thanked quietly, sitting down. He was silent as he filed through some papers that sat on his desk.

"S- Sorry if I'm late, professor!" A shaken up voice apologized as they ran into the door. I turned around to see Neville standing in the doorway.

Neville? What did he do?

Snape looked up, averting his gaze to a clock that sat on his desk.

"One minute late." He muttered. Neville's face turned pale as he rushed in, taking a seat beside Malfoy.

The room was quiet for a while before Snape stood up, glaring at us.

"Why aren't your books out?" He stepped out from behind the desk.
I reached for my bag, quickly taking out my potions textbook. The boys were frozen, though. Staring at Snape as he slowly walked towards us.

"I- I don't have it with me." Draco squeaked out.
Snape's face convulsed in anger, bringing his fist up.


His fist hit the table, causing me to let out a surprised yelp. His cold, dark eyes burned a hole into Draco's blue eyes. Neville and I watched in suspense.

"How stupid do you have to be to forget your book that you had earlier with you today?" He tilted his head slightly, turning his attention to Neville.

"And what's your excuse?"

Neville reached inside his bag slowly, taking out his textbook, gulping nervously.

I stopped watching and opened up my book to the lesson we learned today, burying myself into it to defend myself from backlash.

Snape slipped in front of my place, his hands behind his back. I watched him from the corner of my eye nervously, my heart beating faster than usual.

"Page 213, Ms. L/n." He sneered. I took his command and quickly flipped to the right page, starting to read it.

A chapter about love potions? I scrunched up my nose. We could've skipped this chapter, but I guess we needed to learn it.

"Read it as much as you can. This will be on a test. I will not tell you which one, but you must learn it inside out." Snape said, glaring at me before going back to his desk to file through more papers.

I let out a bored sigh, starting the read. The professor stopped.

"A problem, L/n?" He asked, his voice sounding more strict than usual. I put my head up, shaking it.

"No, I'm just tired." I lied. He furrowed his brows. I paused as I realized that my reply sounded a bit sarcastic.

"Well if you're tired, you shouldn't have acted up and embarrassed yourself in front of everyone in Hogwarts, and you would've had time to take a rest during your free time, but here you are, serving detention. Do you know how humiliating it was to carry both of you out of there this morning? You should be ashamed of yourselves. I would gladly give you detention for the rest of your days, but the year barely even started." Snape exclaimed. I shrunk down in my seat, looking more into my book.

Draco stifled a laugh at Snape's words as he also buried his face into his book.


An hour passed, and we already heard Dumbledore giving his speech in the dining hall.

My stomach growled in hunger as I read, glancing at the clock now and then.

"I suppose that will be all for today." Snape sighed. I shut my book, shoving it into my bag.

"Finally." Draco said with a smile on his face.
For the last hour, he was working on reading and almost took a nap eight times.

Neville jumped up from his chair, not bothering to pack his things up.

"See you tomorrow, professor!" He shouted as he ran out the door. I watched as he disappeared behind the door.

Draco followed after him, walking quickly instead of running.

I was the last one left, pushing my chair in before speaking.
"Have a good evening, professor Snape." I said, walking out the door.


I stopped, slowly turning around. Snape stood up, walking slowly, but taking long strides towards me. My nearly leaped out of my chest as he stopped in front of me.

"I see that you're enjoying the book that I've given you." His monotoned voice said. I looked down at my bag to see my book sticking down. I lightly shoved it down, smiling.

"Yes, it's very good." I replied. Snape nodded.

"I'm glad you feel that way about it." He put a hand on my shoulder.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Y/n."

My eyes widened slightly. He said my name. Oh my gods.

"Alright. Goodbye."

I walked out of the room, clutching my bag handle.

Take back everything I thought about in the morning. Today was probably the best day of my life.

I stopped as it set in.

Snape said my name.

I need to write this down.

After I eat.

Professor ║Severus Snape x Reader║Where stories live. Discover now