Part 11

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We drive home, the entire way David lists things we could do this week instead of Hawaii. A fort in the living room is my favorite idea so far. Since David likes red eyes so much, and we just drove all the way back from the airport, it's nearly 3am when we finally get home. We pull into the garage and sit in the car for a short while before making any move to get out.

"I'm really really sorry Natalie." He says one more time.

"I know David, it's okay." I pat his hand gently and give him a closed lip smile. I go to open my door but I notice the door into the house is open. "David the doors open." I point out as he opens his car door.

"Oh shit, must have left it open when we left."

"I am really certain we didn't. Maybe unlocked, but not open."

"Maybe it just blew open, or someone's in there pulling a prank on us or something."

"Or maybe we should just be safe and call the police to check just in case."

"You wait here, and I'll go check it out."

"David no, do not go in there." I reach over for him but he pulls all the way back so I can't.

"Come on Natalie, it's fine." He closes the door and leaves me alone in the car. He steps just into the doorway of the house and calls out to ask if anyone's there. Just as he's about to take another step forward he suddenly falls to the ground. I scream out and go to open the door but hesitate. Either he's fucking with me or there is actual danger in there. I dial 911 and hold my finger over the call button.

"David if you're fucking with me I'm going to be pissed." I open my door just enough to call that out. Not even a second later, a man, not David, comes marching out of the house. I scream, close my car door and lock them all. 911 is already ringing before the man makes it to the car, pulling angrily on the door handle on David's side. He slams his fists against the window a few times before something draws his attention towards the house.

"911 what's your emergency?" The man calls something out into the house then bangs on the window again.

"My- my house is being broken into I'm locked in the car and he's trying to get in," I shriek as he slams on the window again. "and my boyfriend is somewhere inside! What do I do? Please help us."

"Ok ma'am tell me your address and we will send officers over right away." Before I can get another word out, the car doors unlock. My stomach drops in disbelief. They just took David's key from him. The man in front of me immediately opens the driver's side door and reaches for me. He grabs the phone from my hand and literally smashes it on the ground. I didn't even tell them my address, are they even going to come? Can they figure that stuff out from cell phones? I exit through the passenger door and run towards outside but the man intercepts me. He grabs my head and literally head butts me.

I can feel blood start to drop down my face as he drags me under my arms into the house. He drops me in the entry way with David passed out on the ground next to me. He's half on his side, one arm stretched out across his face, the other tucked under his chest.

"Oh David-" I reach for him but the man kicks my hand away from him. I can hear someone else rummaging around somewhere in the house.

"We didn't think you'd be home." The man says. He's wearing a ski mask so all I can tell of him is that he's well over six feet tall and pushing 300 pounds. He's standing over me, legs on either side of my body laying on the ground. I just look to David, eyes closed, I don't see any blood but he's obviously been hurt. I can see my blood however. Head wounds bleed the most, I try to remind myself as blood continues to trickle down my face. "But since you are, it'd be easiest for us to just ask where the safe is."

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