Part 9

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"I have a surprise for you." David announces as he plops himself on the couch next to me.

"Oh what kind of surprise, am I actually going to like it?"

"Yes, I promise, it's a good one." I smile and clap my hands. "So you just have to find it."

"Oh gosh, so where am I looking?"

"So we're going to do a 'what's in the box' sort of thing. And it will be amongst the contents of the rest of the box.

"Oh my God, I do not like the sounds of this."

"Come on please?"

"Well obviously I'm gunna do it."

"Yay!" David brings his arms close to his chest, clasping his hands together in excitement. "Ok everything is set up in the back yard let me just go out there first." I guess this is what I get for going out for an afternoon.

David calls for me to come out and I see a box on a table with a large hole cut out where I suppose my hands will go. It seems there's a curtain or something on the inside so I can't see through the hole.

"Ok this wasn't as grand as I was expecting when you told me to wait for you to film me coming out."

"Shut up, I was just setting up the bit." Obviously, he's filming this. We both laugh and I grimace at the sight of the box. "Ok so you're going to reach into the box and there will be a bowl and somewhere in the bowl is your surprise."

"I'm actually scared but fine." David points the camera on the open side of the box where he can see the contents and my reaction. I slowly put my hands inside and put my hands on either side of the bowl. "David I don't like this."

"It's fine, I promise." David laughs as I slowly reach into the bowl. As soon as I touch something, my hand pulls back. It's something cold, and maybe a little slimy.

"Ew, David what is that?"

"Oh my God Natalie just reach in." David prompts. He wouldn't make me do something I absolutely hated. I already dealt with the lizard, and now that I suck his dick he's been much nicer to me with the pranks.

"Fine! Ok, ok, ok." I reach straight into the bowl, aiming for the bottom. I'm met with squishy, slimy, long, cold things in my hands. "David if this is a bowl of worms I'm breaking up with you."

"Wait, I'm filming, say that again without the breaking up part."

"But I am serious." I stop my hands from moving around so we can redo the line. Things aren't made up for the vlogs, just some moments are enhanced. "David, if this is a bowl of worms I'm moving out."

"Well, pack your bags!" I'm about to freak out but my hand closes around a box so I pull it out quickly.

"Ok I found it, is it worms?"

"Open the box." David smiles his cute smile, not his laughing so hard putting on a show smile, just a genuine little smile. I pull my hands out from the mystery area and find a small box, something you might get when buying earing or a ring. A ring. No way, there's no way. I open the box and there's a note, I sigh in relief.

"What, you think I was giving you a ring?"

"Well you did make me dig out a ring box."

"Well I'm happy to see you so relieved it's not a ring." David laughs.

"Shut up." I pull the note out and start to read.

Natalie, these past months have been some of the greatest I've ever had. We have spent so much time together at home, at our friends houses, in vlogs, in the Tesla. I think it's time we hang out somewhere new. I frantically turn the note over but don't find anything else. David hands me an envelope. I open it to find 2 plane tickets to Hawaii.

"David shut up!" I yell, immediately reaching in for a hug. "Oh my God, David this is incredible! I'm so excited! Aw, David thank you." I kiss him hard on the cheek and pull back. "So what was in the box?"

"Spaghetti." David laughs.

"Oh my God." I shake my head but go back to him for another hug.

Authors Note: Very short part but it was the best way to break things up before what comes next DUN DUN DUN

Can we appreciate the fact I was going to make it that the trip was to Italy (the spaghetti fit perfect) then I remembered David isn't allowed to leave the country lmao

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