Part 5

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               Things are sort of different after that. We stop sleeping in each other's beds, but we generally spend our time closer together. David will always pick the spot next to me, or point the camera at me for my reaction first to whatever hijinks they were up to.

Everyone was also going out less, mostly because David started throwing more parties at home. Whenever people were going out to a bar or a club, David wouldn't invite me. He went for the footage and came home within an hour or two. He'd also insist I had a girl over, calling Carly and Erin over to see me before I even knew they were going out that night. It was sweet, it's what I needed for a time, but people were starting to ask questions. Why wasn't I going out? David you've been spending so much time at home. So I wanted to break the streak, I wanted to go out with them again.

"Hey so Zane, Heath, and I are going to a bar, but I called Corinna and-"

"I want to come."

"What? Really?"

"Yes, please stop tip toeing around me. I want to be normal again." It had been nearly two months, I wasn't afraid anymore, I wasn't blaming myself anymore, I was ready.

"Ok, yeah, absolutely. Okay! Let Corinna know you guys are actually going out. Be ready in an hour"

"Sure, okay." I texted Corinna and started getting ready. I decided on going simple, jeans and a cute top that was full coverage. Light make up but my hair looked nice so it compensated. I looked good, just not too good.

"I'm ready." I came out of my room and the boys were all on the couch.

"Wow you look great." David said, looking me up and down causing me to blush.

"Jeez Dave, close your jaw." Heath said, laughing.

Corinna arrived shortly after and they all climbed into the Tesla, with me in the front seat. It was a big, loud bar and totally packed. We got in without trouble and we made our way to order drinks. David paid for everyone, which is particularly generous because he wasn't even drinking. But he was filming. Zane and Heath finish their drinks and start ordering shots before me and Corinna get half way through our first.

"Shots ladies?" Zane asks as the bartender waits.

"I'm down." Corinna says immediately.

"I'll pass, thanks." I'm sipping a cider, just enough to calm my nerves. I can't help but glance around for Shane, hoping and praying he's not here. The odds of him being here are slim, there's hundreds of places to go out in LA, but I couldn't help but worry.

The boys and Corinna drink probably three of four drinks before they start getting interesting enough for footage. David has been filming the whole time but there hasn't been much he can actually use. They all decide to play a game of pool. David and I against Zane and Heath, Corinna the "celebrity shot" every once in a while. A guy approaches Corinna, I tense up, but she brushes him off and he leaves. David is right by my side, never going more than a few feet away from me the entire night. I film as David takes a shot at the pool table and now another guy is standing next to me. I glance at him then take a double take to him before lowering the camera.

"You guys a bunch of youtubers or something?" He asks pleasantly, gesturing to the camera in my hand. He's not Shane, he's younger, blond, nothing like Shane.

"Uh, yeah actually." I take a long step back from him. Zane, Heath and Corinna don't take any notice but David is back by my side before I can even think of getting this guy away from me. He seems nice, but I'm not planning on meeting a guy at a bar again any time soon. David drapes his arm around my shoulder protectively.

"Hey, what's up?" David asks innocently, his eyes trained on my face.

"Oh, well, you guys have fun then." Taking the hint and leaving us alone.

"You okay?" He whispers in my ear.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Damn David, put a ring on it or something." Heath laughs from across the pool table.

"Maybe I will." He laughs, pulling the camera from my hand to start filming again. He drops his arm but gives my shoulder a gentle squeeze first.

The rest of the night is fun. I don't order anything after the first cider, me and David win at pool (mostly David), and Heath and Zane get hilariously drunk. Towards the end of the night, Corinna stumbles into me.

"Natalie and David sittin in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." She sings, laughing the whole time. David is filming us, so I just laugh it off.

"He wishes."

"I mean, who wouldn't?" He laughs. I blush, supporting some of Corinna's weight before she turns to Zane for more banter. We make our way out of the bar, Zane and Heath providing tons of vlog material. They all decide to come home with us so I order a couple pizzas before we even get home.

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