"I can't believe it wasn't Mirwen," I admitted, letting my hand drop from Glorfindel's perfect features while I sulked at my mistake. "I was so sure..."

Goldilocks's eyes narrowed. "She still has done horrible things to you as well as other Ladies of the court and should still be punished."

I rolled my head over to stare at Elrond expectantly. "What do you have to say for that, Lord of Imladris?"

Elrond placed a pack of ice on my healing wound before looking up. "You should not have suffered through what you did. Lord Glorfindel pointed out what has happened to you at Lady Mirwen's hands, and that is enough to force her out. I should have stepped in earlier, and I am sorry."

I reached out to pat his hand kindly. "You did the right thing. If you'd had stepped in, I think things would've gotten worse."

Aldarian returned holding a glass of water, which I quickly downed like a champ, and handed back to the stunned blond elf. "Care to get me a refill?"

He mockingly bowed, making me let out a giggle that ended up hurting my head. "Anything for you, my fair Lady."

I grinned. "Goldilocks, you've got some competition."

He ran his fingers through my dark hair, which had been properly washed and combed through by Arwen just hours before. "I do not think Lord Aldarian would dare cross me for your hand, Persephone."

The purr of my name that came from his lips made my body all tingly inside. Some places more than others. "Okay, you win."

Glorfindel leaned down and placed a light kiss upon my forehead. "Normally it takes much longer to hear those words, Nemir. Perhaps your head is hurt far more than we thought."

I rolled my eyes, already feeling the effects of both the water and Lord Elrond's healing. By morning I doubted I would even feel a thing. "I'm fine, Goldfish. Stop antagonizing me."

He leaned back with a tinge of hurt in his eyes. You'd have to know him well enough to see it, but it was there. "Forgive me you have finally returned after being kidnapped and nearly beaten to death by Slave Traders, and only coming to find that once you return you are nearly killed again by the one who sought to get rid of you in the first place!"

I winced. "Perhaps you should lower your voice, I'm still concussed."

His hands flung up in the air. "Exactly!"

The sound of the door to the healing halls opening made my gaze snap to see Geoffry walking in with Estel at his side. I smiled as they walked over to my bed, and Geoffry quickly paid his condolences for my condition.

"It will take a lot more than this to get rid of me, Geoffry," I told him, making his own smile widen.

Estel smirked. "That would not surprise me. You are quite a tough young woman, and I have a feeling I have only witnessed a small part of your strength."

I fluttered my eyes up at the Ranger, making the big goldenrod next to me groan. "Why, Estel, you never fail to flatter me."

Much to trying to get a rise out of the Ranger- he remained unchanged. "I try, Lady Persephone."

"The Lady's mother is being escorted to the halls, Lord Elrond. She will be here for the questioning," Geoffry quickly updated.

My eyes flitted over to where the Lady in question was being woken up and noticed her breathing pick up. "She's waking," I warned them, and quickly placed my hand on Glorfindel's. "Don't do anything stupid."

He looked down at me with his bright eyes full of anger, pain, and... was that love? "I will not be leaving your side, Nemir. Lord Elrond is taking control of her questioning."

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