I Walk The Line

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Dear Readers,

After the last chapter a lot of brutal feedback, as well as well-constructed feedback, was sent my way, which is understandable. For those of you who have given well-constructed feedback and critiques, I have made sure to send you a message to hopefully make you understand more of my perspective and where I am going. It is because of that I have rated this story M which wasn't my original intention but stuff happens.

A lot of people don't think it's believable that Persie was kidnapped, just think about the critique that was sent her way from others, what happens when she dives into her powers, as well as the fact that Riptide doesn't work on mortals. She was concerned with the people around her- could that Loyalty be her weakness? Hmmm purghaps, but we will not know for sure until later ;)

XOXO Ally Layne

Warning: Mentions of Rape in this Chapter (Rated M for this Reason)


A sharp whistling sound whispered between the trees before a powerful "thunk" could be heard, sending blood spattering along Tira's body and the ground surrounding her.

Everything went silent.

"Get down!" The man behind me yelled, just as the man who had been standing above Tira with his sword above his head in an executioner stance, fell to the ground- dead.

An arrow had gone straight into his neck, killing him instantly as it severed his carotid artery and sent blood spattering many feet in front of him. His body luckily fell to the side of Tira, who started screaming loudly at the sight of a murdered man in front of her.

She was most likely about to slip into shock, and from the kick I felt on my side, the men were still going to try and keep me from helping her.

"Tira!" I yelled, wrestling with the man who still held my hair. She needed me. I wasn't going to give in without a fight- and I didn't know if whoever killed that man was going to be on my side or not.

I felt a tug on my gut as I reached above me, grabbed the man's hands, and pulled myself closer to him to deliver a swift elbow to his nethers. Luckily, that was all it took for his grip on my hair to loosen and for me to send him sprawling with a quick burst of water that must have come from a ways away, but I decided not to focus on that.

I hopped up from where I was laying and wrenched the dead man's sword from his fingers as it still laid in his cold, hard grip. Tira looked absolutely stricken, but I couldn't help her at the moment as I turned to face the remaining men that seemed to filter in and created a tight line against me.

"You shouldna' had done that." I recognized the voice to belong to Tig, who likes women a bit too much- who had grabbed my hair- and was spitting out some dirty water.

I cocked my head to the side, twirling my newfound blade in my hand as I fought the headache that continued to ravage my brain and the weakness in my bones. This concussion thing wasn't the greatest, but I was going to either deal with it or die, so I chose the former.

"She is not alone," A man's voice came from behind me, dressed in a deep green cloak with a dark tunic and trousers. I noted that he wore a satchel tied around his shoulder, and a bow shouldered on his side. His boots were riddled with mud and muck, and his scent was a mix of pipeweed and horse, something I noticed as the wind shifted with his passage.

"Help Tira," I told him. "I've got a bone to pick with these assholes, and you're not spoiling my fun."

The faces of the men across from us visibly seemed to ashen, but I doubted it was from my words. Whoever this man was, I had a good feeling that he was dangerous.

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