Creatures of the Dark

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Hello again, Readers!

I have been pretty depressed this past week and have had a hard time doing the simplest of things, so writing took a step back for me. It was a doozy to write this chapter, but I think I have a spark again and hope to keep pushing forward!

I have a blog that talks about my struggle with mental health, injuries, sports, and different pieces of literature and its link is on my profile. So, if you are wondering what I'm going through feel free to take a look.

If you have any questions or concerns, let me know! I hope you like the chapter!

-Ally Layne.


The first thing that registered was the darkness. Shadows lingered and danced in the corners of my eyes. Words, ones I could barely make out, echoed from the back and threatened to drag me back into the eternal pit.

My feet were planted and stuck under my body. I was doing my best to stand my ground. I wasn't going to allow myself to be dragged back.

I was never going to go back.

The darkness morphed into a scene all too familiar.

"Persephone Jackson. Oh, how the mighty have fallen!"

"Your friend will be meeting her demise at the hands of my lovely children, Jackson. You are out of options. Bow down to me, and I will let you die peacefully."

"From what I've heard you're normally a lot more talkative, Jackson. Hmmm... I guess I'm going to have to use some other methods to have a decent conversation."

"How many teeth do you think will get you to squeal?"

"If you want to speak, Persephone, you're going to have to mean it."

Laughter echoed in the darkness.

The darkness pooled from my mouth, but it looked like it took shape. A hand, smothering me, another hand, atop my head, providing horrific visions to become engrained in my mind.

I heard a choking sound and remembered that I had tried to scream.

My tongue ran along the cold emptiness that had been a consequence of this event. My teeth, three among the bottom row, were then pulled from my mouth.

I shivered.

The shape the darkness had taken, a faceless human, turned away from my defenseless body to look directly at where I was watching.

"I knew you would come back."

I felt the entombing feeling of the darkness entrapping me once more, and I swear I saw the specter grin. If, of course, the thing had a face.

I tried to speak, but I looked down to see the darkness spreading across my body, and covering my mouth. The shape of a hand, outlined by a ghostly mass, spread across my mouth. A tingling sensation sent chills down my spine, as tears started to form in my eyes.

"You will always wind up here."

I tried to get away from the hands that eerily gripped my body, holding me in place, but no matter how hard I struggled, I didn't budge.

My mouth opened again to speak, but darkness flew into my throat and started to choke me. I let out helpless gasps as tears streamed down my face from the effort. Why was this... thing doing this to me? What did I ever do to get this treatment?

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